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Otrdiena, 22. oktobris
Irīda, Īrisa, Airisa

ASV: Visas valstis spiego

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visas valstis ir reihi trešie !
noklusē par ASV
Ziņo par Pasaules Veselības Organizācija apzināti ignorē un piever ačeles ASV kara noziegumu radītajām sekām- saindēta zeme, ūdens ar radioktīviem atkritumiem, no 1000 bērniem 144 dzimst ar kroplībām. Pasaules Veselības Organizācija kavējās akceptēt nu jau 6.mēnešu pētījumu par jaundzimušo defektiem ASV izspostīitajā Irākā, kas dzimsta ar smagiem defektiem.( izskatās politiskā pasūtījuma izpilde) World Health Organisation and Iraqi Ministry of Health: #Act4Iraq and release birth defect data en-GB/petitions/world-health-organisation-and-iraqi-ministry-of-health-act4iraq-and-release-birth-defect-data ,, My name is Dr Samira Alaani and I am a pediatrician working in Fallujah General Hospital. In the years since US forces attacked our city my colleagues and I have recorded a horrifying increase in the numbers of babies born with congenital defects: spina bifida, heart abnormalities and defects that I do not even have a name for. Many do not survive. For those that do, we care for them as best we can with the limited resources we have. I have worked in Fallujah as a Pediatrician since 1997 but began to notice something was wrong in 2006 and began logging the cases; we have determined that 144 babies are now born with a deformity for every 1000 live births. We believe it has to be related to contamination caused by the fighting in our city, even now, nearly 10 years later. It is not unique to Fallujah; hospitals throughout the Anbar Governorate and many other regions of Iraq are recording increases. Every day I see the strain this fear puts on expectant mothers and their families. The first question I am asked when a child is born is not ‘is it a boy or a girl?’ but ‘is my child healthy?’ When I heard that the Iraqi Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation (WHO) were going to carry out research I finally felt a glimmer of hope. I knew it would only confirm what we already knew; that there had been a rise in birth defects, but I saw it as a stepping stone to finally spur Iraq and the international community into action. The research is now complete and we were promised that it would be published at the beginning of 2013, yet six months later the WHO has announced more delays. We worry that this is now politics, not science. We have already waited years for the truth and my patients cannot wait any longer. The WHO has another option. The data should be published in an open access journal for independent peer review. The pr
Juris T.
Visa valstis nespiego, dažas izlūko. Vai tad to mums nestāstīja jau CCCP laikā?
Vienkārši viņi to dara ar kārtu intensīvāk kā citi, ar attīstītākām tehnoloģijām, plašākā mērogā, apjomā. Protams, ka tas nav attaisnojums, ir slikti. Ir normāli, ka pret to protestē. Bet izlikties, ka tas ir baigais pārsteigums ir vienkārši stulbi.
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Visprofesionālākie izlūki ir Latvijai,jo tie nereizi nav iekrituši.
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