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Varbūt pietiks par to Dienvidslāviju. Tu tālāk uzraksti par to kā ļaunie latviešu, lietuviešu un igauņu šovinisti kopā ar ASV ļaunuma ģēnijiem sagrāva PSRS un pazemoja un apmeloja brīnišķīgo krievu tautas dvēseli.
Putins Tev piešķirtu medāli.
What is the real death toll in Iraq? The Americans learned one lesson from Vietnam: don't count the civilian dead.
ORB polling firm reissues Iraq mortality estimate of one million dead What is the real death toll in Iraq? The Americans learned one lesson from Vietnam: don't count the civilian dead
par to kaa ASV administraacijaam ruup Iraakas civilie var uzzinaat no madleenas olbraitas teiktaa par Sanctions of Mass Destruction (kas ilga 13 gadus) madeleine albright on 60 minutes - "worth it" 60 Minutes, CBS News, May 12, 1996: Lesley Stahl [on US sanctions against Iraq]: "We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it." "Cool War: Economic sanctions as a weapon of mass destruction" By Joy Gordon John and Karl Mueller, "Sanctions of Mass Destruction," Foreign Affairs, Clinton's "sanctions of mass destruction" caused "the deaths of more people in Iraq than have been slain by all so-called weapons of mass destruction [nuclear and chemical] throughout all history" "The Secret Behind the Sanctions: How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply" By Thomas J. Nagy
In 2002, in Katana Health Zone in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) there was a terrible meningitis outbreak, where the health zone was supported by the Belgian Government, and with perhaps the best disease surveillance network in the entire country. A survey by the NGO International Rescue Committee showed that only 7% of those meningitis deaths were recorded by the clinics and hospitals and government officials. Patrick Ball at Berkeley showed similar insensitivity by the press in Guatemala during the years of high violence in the 1980s. I do not think that very low reporting implies fraud.
There are several reasons why the governments involved in this conflict have been able to confuse the issue of Iraqi deaths. Our Lancet report involved sampling and statistical analysis, which is rather dry reading. Media reports always miss most deaths in times of war, so the estimate by the media-based monitoring system, (IBC) roughly corresponds with the Iraq government's figures. Repeated evaluations of deaths identified from sources independent of the press and the Ministry of Health show the IBC listing to be less than 10 per cent complete, but because it matches the reports of the governments involved, it is easily referenced. Several other estimates have placed the death toll far higher than the Iraqi government estimates, but those have received less press attention. When in 2005, a UN survey reported that 90 per cent of violent attacks in Scotland were not recorded by the police, no one, not even the police, disputed this finding. Representative surveys are the next best thing to a census for counting deaths, and nowhere but Iraq have partial tallies from morgues and hospitals been given such credence when representative survey results are available. The Pentagon will not release information about deaths induced or amounts of weaponry used in Iraq. On 9 January of this year, the embedded Fox News reporter Brit Hume went along for an air attack, and we learned that at least 25 targets were bombed that day with almost no reports of the damage appearing in the press. Saddam Hussein's surveillance network, which only captured one third of all deaths before the invasion, has certainly deteriorated even further. During last July, there were numerous televised clashes in Anbar, yet the system recorded exactly zero violent deaths from the province. The last Minister of Health to honestly assess the surveillance network, Dr Ala'din Alwan, admitted that it was not reporting from most of the country by August 2004. He was sacked months later after, among other things, reports appeared based on the limited government data suggesting that most violent deaths were associated with coalition forces.
Les Roberts: Iraq's death toll is far worse than our leaders admit =============== The government in Iraq claimed last month that since the 2003 invasion between 40,000 and 50,000 violent deaths have occurred. Few have pointed out the absurdity of this statement. There are three ways we know it is a gross underestimate. First, if it were true, including suicides, South Africa, Colombia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia have experienced higher violent death rates than Iraq over the past four years. If true, many North and South American cities and Sub-Saharan Africa have had a similar murder rate to that claimed in Iraq. For those of us who have been in Iraq, the suggestion that New Orleans is more violent seems simply ridiculous. Secondly, there have to be at least 120,000 and probably 140,000 deaths per year from natural causes in a country with the population of Iraq. The numerous stories we hear about overflowing morgues, the need for new cemeteries and new body collection brigades are not consistent with a 10 per cent rise in death rate above the baseline. And finally, there was a study, peer-reviewed and published in The Lancet, Europe's most prestigious medical journal, which put the death toll at 650,000 as of last July. The study, which I co-authored, was done by the standard cluster approach used by the UN to estimate mortality in dozens of countries each year. While the findings are imprecise, the lower range of possibilities suggested that the Iraq government was at least downplaying the number of dead by a factor of 10.
Iraqi deaths survey 'was robust' // The Iraq deaths study was valid and correct dy-was-valid-and-correct/2006/10/20/1160851135985.html?page= fullpage THE SIGNATORIES Professor James A Angus, dean, faculty of medicine, dentistry and health sciences, University of Melbourne Professor Bruce Armstrong AM, director of research, Sydney Cancer Centre; professor of public health and medical foundation fellow, University of Sydney Dr Jim Black, head of epidemiology, Victorian Infectious Diseases Service Professor Peter Brooks, executive dean, faculty of health sciences, University of Queensland Professor Jonathan Carapetis, director, Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin Dr Ben Coghlan, medical epidemiologist, Centre for International Health, Burnet Institute Professor Mike Daube, professor of health policy, Curtin University Associate Professor Peter Deutschmann, executive director, Australian International Health Institute, University of Melbourne Associate Professor Trevor Duke, Centre for International Child Health, department of pediatrics, University of Melbourne Professor Adele Green AC, deputy director, Queensland Institute of Medical Research Associate Professor Heath Kelly, head, epidemiology unit, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory Professor Stephen Leeder AO, co-director, Menzies Centre for Health Policy; professor of public health and community medicine, University of Sydney; chairman, Policy and Advocacy Group, Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine Professor Alan Lopez, head, School of Population Health; professor of medical statistics and population health, University of Queensland Professor John Mathews AM, professorial fellow, School of Population Health, University of Melbourne Professor A. J. McMichael, director, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, ANU Dr Cathy Mead PSM, president, Public Health Association of Australia, Canberra Professor Rob Moodie, chief executive, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation Professor Kim Mulholland, infectious disease epidemiology unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK Professor Terry Nolan, head, School of Population Health, Melbourne University Associate Professor Tilman Ruff, Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne; president, Medical Association for Prevention of War Associate Professor Peter Sainsbury, school of public health, University of Sydney Dr Tony Stewart, medical epidemiologist, Centre for International Health, Burnet Institute Professor Richard Taylor, professor of international health; head, division of international and indigenous health, School of Population Health, University of Queensland; director, Australian Centre for International and Tropical Health and Nutrition Associate Professor Mike Toole, head, Centre for International Health, Burnet Institute Associate Professor Paul J. Torzillo AM, University of Sydney; senior respiratory physician, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney; clinical director, respiratory and critical care services, Central Sydney Area Health Service Dr Sue Wareham OAM, immediate past president, Medical Association for Prevention of War, Canberra Professor Anthony Zwi, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, associate dean (international), faculty of medicine, NSW University
te var palasiit par to ko dara ASV okupanti, un no pashu amerikaanju karaviiru muteem: The Other War: Iraq Vets Bear Witness Raids Int elligence Arrests The Enemy Convoys Patrols Checkpoints Rules of Engagement Accountability tiem dainiishiem no Tvaika palaatas kuriem patiik muldeet par Lancet ziishanu no pirksta ir tachu vienkaarsh risinaajums - aizsuutat savu "atspeekojumu" uz Lancet redakciju ... tikai viena probleema, tam jaabuut 1) zinaatniskam 2) pa teemu .. bet ja esi ideol. dainiitis ( IQ -1 ) Too bad :( + dainiitis nemaz nezin pat to ka Lancet ir prestizhaakais mediciinas zhurnaals Eiropaa + raksti tur izveertee nozares profesionaalji un kritiku arii iesuuta profesionaalji
par sīkākiem / plašākiem / detalizētākiem izklāstiem var lasīt/redzēt The Salvador Option and Death Squads | Military Bases | Remembering Falluja | The use of WMD by the US army | The Events in Samarra / Iraq: the largest humanitarian crisis on the planet | Iraqi refugees The situation of Iraqi Healthworkers | Torture and Prison Abuse in Iraq U.S. War Crimes in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability s_iraq_101006.pdf vien ASV līdz WW2 iebruka ārvalstīs vismaz 40 reizes , pēc WW2 - vismaz 66 reizes tm te vari paskatīties sarakstu ar ASV draudzīgajiem diktatoriem: ators.html + ASV ar 850 mil. bāzēm ārvalstīs (īpaši strat.izejvielu tuvumā) + murgainas mil. doktrīnas par full-spectrum dominance (space,sea, land,air) + first-strike nuclear strategy (arī pret valstīm kurām nav kodolierocu) + uzskata sevi ārpus starpt. likumiem (ANO)
4) kara noziegumi Feludžā nomētājot civilos ar balto fosforu, napalmu, liedzot pieeju ambulancēm, aizturot pārtikas piegādes etc. etc. 5) cietumu sistēma guantanamo / abu graibas stilā 6) 4.7 mlj bēgļu 1c8-b7c3-11db-bfb3-0000779e2340.html?nclick_check=1 7) puse irākiešu ir bērni ,no kuriem 20% līdz 5 gadu vecumam ... 25% bērnu ir nepietiekams uzturs un 10 % cieš no akūti nepietiekama barības daudzuma .. 70% bērnu cieš no traumatic stress syndrome pārtikas sadales sistēma no kuras atkarīgi ir 5 miljoni irākiešu ir apdraudēta dēļ vardarbības ... aptuveni 2 miljoni (bēgļi valsts iekšienē) nevar tikt pabaroti dēļ vardarbības jo nemitīgi spiesti mainīt atrašanās vietu bezdarbs ir ~ 70% 75% ārstu farmaceitu ir pametuši valsti līdz ar to veselības aprūpes sistēma ir pilnīgi sabrukusi patrick09112007.html dleeast/12iraq.html?_r=1&oref=slogin vārdu sakot, irākieši amerikāņus un viņu sabiedrotos pielīdzina mongoļiem, kas 1258.g. iebruka Bagdādē un nogalināja tās iemītniekus, nodedzināja bibliotēkas un nopostīja apkārtni
2) kā okupācijas spēki ASV nepildīja pienākumus, ko tai uzliek starpt. likumi attiecībā pret irākiešiem - kā rezultātā pieauga mirušo skaits dēļ netīrā ūdens, kanalizācijas trūkuma dēļ, veselības aprūpes sistēmas sabrukums, kas sākās jau sankciju laikā (kuras neatcēla tikai dēļ ASV / Lielbritānijas veto - un kuru dēļ nomira 1.7 miljoni tai skaitā 1.2 mlj bērnu līdz 5 gadu vecumam) etc. 3) pēc Lancet pētījuma 650 000 nogalināto (lielākā daļa no uzlidojumiem + ASV patruļām 1000 patruļu dienā, kurām katrai jāizķemmē 30 mājas - tā arī tie cipari savācas + ASV sponsorētās/apmācītās nāves brigādes sk. augstākminēto saiti; nevis no bumbu sprādzieniem, kuros pieķerti tika arī briti, pārģērbušies par arābiem) LANCET metodika tā pati, kuru iepriekš izmantoja ASV un deva miljonus tās apmācībai un kuru atzīst visi vadošie speciālisti + Lielbritānijas Aizsardzības eksperts atzina The Ministry of Defence's chief scientific adviser said the research was "robust", close to "best practice", and "balanced". He recommended "caution in publicly criticising the study". /burnham_iraq_2006.html + ORB pētījums norāda ka vairāk kā 1 000 000 nogalināti kopš iebrukuma A monstrous war crime With more than 650,000 civilians dead in Iraq, our government must take responsibility for its lies,,2044492,00. %20.html LANCET REPORT CO-AUTHOR RESPONDS TO QUESTIONS hor.php IRAQ BODY COUNT: "A VERY MISLEADING EXERCISE" nt.php September 2007 - More than 1,000,000 Iraqis murdered Immediately after publication, the prime minister's official spokesman said that the Lancet's study "was not one we believe to be anywhere near accurate". The foreign secretary, Margaret Beckett, said that the Lancet figures were "extrapolated" and a "leap". President Bush said: "I don't consider it a credible report". Scientists at the UK's Department for International Development thought differently. They concluded that the study's methods were "tried and tested". Indeed, the Johns Hopkins approach would likely lead to an "underestimation of mortality". The Ministry of Defence's chief scientific adviser said the research was "robust", close to "best practice", and "balanced". He recommended "caution in publicly criticising the study".


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