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Ceturtdiena, 17. oktobris
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"Times" un "Guardian" novēršas no Brauna un pauž atbalstu viņa politiskajiem konkurentiem

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1 mikrofons + Mis Dafija (kas jau bija aizziimogojusi aploksni, lai nobalsotu par leiboristiem, jo gatavojaas aizceljot pirms veeleeshanaam, bet atstaaja to maajaas, lai tikai aizietu liidz stuura veikalam peec maizes, kur sastapaas ar Brauna komandu)... :)))
mums vezumiem un kāliem ir tādu bābiešu
Nu nekas, šodien nāca gaismā, ka viena no konservatīvo vadošajām kandidātēm, kas ir arī izstrādājusi Tories sociālās pamatnostādnes, ir nodibinājusi draudzi, kura nodarbojas ar dziedēšanu no homoseksuālisma ar dēmonu dzīšanu. Te nu bija attīstīta valsts
Tā viens neizslēgts mikrafons var mainīt vēsturi:)
ja kas
"The Times" ir konservatīva avīze.
Bija jau skaidrs tāpat, bet tagad kļūst vēl skaidrāks, kāpēc britu konservatīvos Eiropas Parlamentā un mūsu TB/LNNK un 16. martu ķengāja "Guardian" un "The Times" - politiski angažēti laikraksti. Bet mēs, latvieši, centāmies šiem skaidrot Eiropas un Latvijas vēsturi..nožēlojami....Vēlreiz tikai pierādās, ka nav ko skaidroties un locīties visas pasaules priekšā, jātur sava tauta un tās vērtības godā un viss.
divi pasaules
Latvju elektoraatam gruuti saprast, kaapeec ilggadiiga leiboristu atbalstiitaaja atsakaas pieljaut, ka vinju neuzrunaa, kaa pieklaajas, vai kaapeec UK augsta ranga politikji nevar atljauties suutiit beernus privaatskolaas, jo tas skaitaas slikts tonis...
"Diena" - kādreiz atbalstīja proSorosoistiskas idejas, tagad aizvien vairāk AŠ kvadrātā.
no Independent
Newspapers can't vote, but this is how they would line up : Daily Express – Not declared, but supportive of the Conservatives and energetically critical of Labour. Financial Times – As yet undeclared, but critical of Labour. The Guardian – Liberal Democrats. "If The Guardian had a vote in the 2010 general election it would be cast enthusiastically for the Liberal Democrats." The Independent – Not declared. The Independent on Sunday – Anti-Tory vote for electoral reform. Daily Mail – Not officially declared, but highly critical of Labour and, latterly, the Lib Dems. The Mail on Sunday – Conservative. Daily Mirror – Labour. Daily Star – Non-aligned, but urges readers to vote. The Sun – Conservative. The Daily Telegraph – Undeclared, but Tory-friendly and critical of Labour. The Times – Conservative. The Observer – Declared last night it was backing Lib Dems. Sunday Express – Conservative. Sunday Mirror – Labour. The People – Favours a coalition and urges tactical voting to prevent a Tory majority. The Sunday Telegraph – Tory. The Sunday Times – Tory. The News of the World – Tory.
Gillian Duffy could make £250,000 in newspaper, TV and magazine deals over the next week up to polling day, according to celebrity PR agent Max Clifford. But the widow from Rochdale, is said to be reluctant to speak out and is “completely overwhelmed” by the attention since her chance encounter with the Prime Minister yesterday. PR John Butters, of Bell Pottinger North, who was today talking Mrs Duffy through her options, added: “She just went out to buy a loaf of bread and found herself at the centre of the election campaign. She wants to get back to normality. There is substantial money to be made. I'm just not sure if she has the appetite for it.” Clifford added: “The Tory press love this story. It would be worth £100,000 to The Sun or the Mail if she was prepared to be critical of Gordon Brown.” (C)Evening Standard
Daily Mail ir tāda pati dzeltenā prese kā The Sun, no The Sun kundzīte saņēma 80000 (es nenokļūdījos ne par vienu pašu nulli) par "savu stāstu". Ļoti bieži šādiem ļautiņiem tiek pateikts priekšā, ko un kā stāstīt vai arī viņu teiktais tiek sagrozīts tā ka tā sieviete izlasot nesaprastu, ka runa iet par viņu pašu.
pēdējā nagla
''In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, Gillian Duffy revealed she would not be voting for any party, despite accepting the Prime Minister's apology after his unguarded remark in Rochdale.''
par ko viņa apvainojās
Sieviete paliek sieviete. :) Re, kas šodienas Daily Mailā rakstīts - par ko šī kundze apvainojās visvairāk: "What hurt her most of all was not the word ‘bigot’, but the way he referred to her as ‘that woman’. Speaking exclusively to The Mail on Sunday, Mrs Duffy, right, said: ‘I’m not “that woman”. It’s no way to talk of someone, that, is it? As if I’m to be brushed away. Why couldn’t he have said “that lady”?’ "
Kamerons un Brauns piekrita intervijām tikai pēc Klega, iepriekš cerēja izvairīties. :))) ''In his ceaseless and sometimes uphill battle to reach the electorate, Nick Clegg is a man who will do almost anything. Last night he went where other party leaders have so far feared to tread, by submitting himself to half an hour with Jeremy Paxman. Gordon Brown and David Cameron have failed to respond to invitations from the BBC, issued months ago, to take part in half-hour interviews with Paxman in the run-up to the election. Last night Labour and the Conservatives claimed they were considering a Paxman interview. Both leaders have already found time to appear, in rather more benign circumstances, on GMTV.''
Times ir un gadiem ilgi ir bijis konservatoru pusē. Un nelolojiet liekas ilūzijas, konservatīvie NAV Latvijai draudzīgs spēks, tā pati Tečere savulaik bija pret PSRS izjukšanu un gribēja Eiropu saglabāt ar mūri pa vidu. Kamerons var deklarēties,ka partija ir mainījusies, bet regulāri pa vīlēm izspiežas, ka tie paši vēzīši vien ir. Vienmēr esmu bijis labējo atbalstītājs, bet ja labējie ir tādā kvalitātē kā GB, tad es dodu priekšroku kreisajiem.


Pieprasītā sadaļa var saturēt erotiskus materiālus, kuru apskatīšana atļauta tikai pilngadību sasniegušām personām.


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"Guardian" komentārs

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