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Bukmeikeri netic, ka Šūmahers atkal kļūs par pasaules čempionu

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vēl 1994.gadā šumahera Benetton formulā atrada aizliegto Launch Control un pēc tam arī degvielas padeves ierīce bija bez drošības filtra, kas ļāva krāpjoties ietaupīt vairākas sekundes uz katra pitstopa rēķina. šumahera 1994.g. tituls ir krāpnieciski iegūts.
Hello Latvians
Schumachers formula 1 career is full of cheats and controversy from the very beginning to the the end. That is a clear behavioural pattern, I would be more surprised if the car he raced actually was legal in any single race he took part of! Therefore, I do not give him credit for any of those victories, a dark clound always hangs over all his “acheivements”. Schumacher was undoubtly quick, but WHY? The margins in F1 are so small that any extra benefit gained can decide a race. If I recall correctly, the only time BAR Honda and Jason really shined for a small amount if tume, until they where caught of cheating with an extra tank within the in the fuel tank, gives an indication of this. “Thanks to” this “fuel” arrangement they were able to drive the car underweight between the fuel stops. They had however made their inner tank in a very clumsy way, and were easily caught. Cheating is not for honest people, or amateurs, it is for cheating professionals! I would NOT be surprised if Schumacher had a dobule walled tank in his car for years! He was a professional cheater, and the solutions made was also well engineered NOT to be detected even if scrutineering was made. Schumachers crash when he broke his leg, was also an odd one, and it happended just a few bends after the start. I am pretty convinced that Schumacher made a mistake when he fiddled with some unlegal electronics settings in the car, or forgot to change something that gave him and edge in the start… Therefore the crash. Did you ever hear some convincing explanation to the crash? Flexible floorplan in the Ferrari, revealed just when Schumacher quitted driving. Had Schumacher had this benefit for years? Possibly. It is not at all certain that his team mates had this extra and very handy downforce device. The flexible floor pan was engineered to pass the testing force FIA uses, and immediately after this flex considerable amounts. Acheived with a leaf spring construction in the floor plan. Smart. A very Schumacher kind of cheating device, well planned and engineered. Only an internal leak revealed the cheat. The revealing of the floor pan came in at a very handy time for Schumacher – that is just when he had quit, and when his former rival Kimi came to the team. I beleive this was no co-incidence. An big unfair advantage that Schumacher had benefitted from for seasons was to much to give away to a former rival like Raikkonen. Schumacher made sure the leak happened, oh he can afford to pay a bit for confidential silence. So some head had to fall after some small “arrangemets” by the Schumacher clan. Schumachers patologic pattern of cheating fits perfectly the former behaviour. Even after “acheiving” several world championships cheating one way or another “to become the greatest driver ever”, he (Schumacher) is extremely scared that someone could acheive more or even match his record. He is extremely afraid that any driver could show similar performance for even one season, especially a former rival. Schumacher is afraid of being forgotten or that people could say NN is doing as well as Schumacher, or EVEN worse, NN is even quicker than Schumacher ever was! NN has filled Schumachers position fully! The “spy-gate”…. Again this fits both Ferrari and Schumacher tactics, afraid of losing the constructors championship to McLaren they decide to feed a lot of (perhaps not so useful) information about the car to an engineer at McLaren, a “too big temptation” for an engineer who wants to figure out why the Ferrari is fast. Even if he would not like to cheat, he want’s to know why and more importantly how this extra speed is acheived in terms of engineering already from professional perspective. Oh, How incredibly easy! They (McLaren) took the bait! Then “we” just reveal the leak and point at your rivals, cause a small “chaos”. A nice way to make some extra mental stress for your rivals when they suddenly have to prepare for legal proceedings just when they are supposed to focus on the world championship! The Schumacher mob had indeed planned this with their own legal team well ahead. So it is only to create some media buzz here. Ok we have to pay off our own “leak” but he get’s a nice retirement : ) Indeed this kind of scandal will have an impact on the team at all levels, causing distraction, extra stress ,uncertainty, worries and hopefully some loss of vital focus on the racing. Even crucial errors in the preparations. And a lot of media around them with nasty questions! - Perfect plan, and it worked out just as planned… He-he, now we got rid of Ron Dennis, we did cut a big hole in McLarens budget… How to get an further advantage… What about SPONSORS? – How to steal your main competitors sponsor? Aah! What if we sign the driver who left after the internal struggles in the team, but who brought their main sponsor to them… let’s see both Spanish… Yeah,…. – Good plan : ) – Let’s try it! Even better, let us advance the plan by one year ; ) So they have less time to react… While McLaren are looking for a new main sponsor we have good time to focus on next years car! Call it proper german sicilian “game-tactics” on and off the track, do anything to gain a benefit… OK, part of the above is pure speculation and well educated “guesses”, part already well documented as facts. Schumacher knows that most people will forget the “details” of the season. People in general will only remember the final championship standings. And he got paid for the final positions… And most people will not like to change their view (humans do not like to change their an already formed perception), not even if the evidence against it (or rather Schumacher in this case) is on the table. Schumacher, Not stupid, very fast – at least when cheating. We will never know how fast he would have been in a legal car, or if he ever drove a car that was within the F1 regulations. - So, much for the record… No doubt, a very committed driver to racing – and cheating!
Hello Latvians
I lost all respect for Schumacher due to consistent controversy. Schumacher lifted Rubens on the podium in 2002 Austria just to save his own face, not for any other reason, the spectators would probably have lynched him otherwise. It was just another well calculated cheat by Schumacher, to make him look “honest” in some way. Did you really fall for also that Schumacher cheat trick? Nice that Flavio is out from F1 another cheater. Schumacher is and was a big shame for forumula 1, and he still is. He should not be allowed close to a track. Not just pushing others off, consistent pushing of regulations. “Team orders = Schumacher orders” call it shared interests, it fitted both the team and Schumachers interests. At Benetton no filter in the fuel rigs for faster refuelings, ingoring black flag – taking penalty after the finish line “What a joke!”. Pushing Villeneuve, Hill. Having the team mate as a bottle neck on the track. Ferrari cars lap-times delivered from qualifying with an “odd delay”… oh no fingering there?? Haa! Punished “apropriately” – Haa, I have hard to recall a single time he got punished! He was fast, but the car was probably less legal the major part of the time, nor fuel rigs, tracktion control, the list goes on and on and on and on and on… The only driver who was able to “tame” Schumaher was Hakkinen offering a hand shake to Schumacher for fair play before the deciding race. Schumacher knew the media captured that moment, and it was in everyones memories what he had done in previous years – so he would have felt to ashamed to do it once again! Oh, do you really think it was a former Mercedes worker who run out on the track to spoile Hakkinens race in Germany? Haa! For sure paid to do so by Mr. Schumachers clan, just another nice little cheat that looked so “innocent”… and came just like when Schumacher needed it so urgently. Schumacher was a cheat and will always be that, it is a big shame F1 could go so currupt and that it could continue for years! Now, why did not Schumacher step in when Massa got injured, because he knew he would have big troubles of keeping Kimi behind him, and he knows the F60 is a crap car. Oh fitness problems? Haa, he could ride a motorcycle bike on the track anyway… or try to, he is not so good at it. It is also so much harder to cheat on two wheels so no real two wheel racing for Schumacher, thank god for that! I would certainly not like to see him spoil MotoGP like he did to F1. Even if it must be pretty d-mn interesting in Schueys mind, it could be so much easier to give a fellow rider a small “helpful” kick… Schumacher put the team behind Massa because it suits him so much better that his former team mate “forced to be number 2″ would succeed better than one of his former rivals on the track. Now Santanders money brings Alonso to the team, and that can probably keep up Schumachers current salary for his “consulting” job. It is also so convenient for Ferrari to blame Kimi for the teams poor performance this year, despite a crap car Kimi is still 5th in the WDC behind to Brawns and two RedBulls that have dominated the season. Hamilton is likely to pass Kimi in the final standings with a car that now has got quite good performance. Kimi lost motivation? Haa! Had Hamilton also lost “motivation” or why was the performance from him so poor in the early part of the season? – We all know both Ferrari and McLaren did not have the double diffusor in the early part of the season. Even the best drivers need a proper race car. I hope Vettel can make us all forget the BIG CHEAT Schumacher. That’s a kid with real speed. Schumacher is the biggest cheater in top level sports of all times, that title he gets without any competition! I hope we will never ever see anything like it, and it is hardly a title anyone else would desire. Considering Schumachers careers length it is not likely that record will be broken! His titles are not worth the paper they are printed on. But he sure earned a lot of money by cheating like a rat!
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Laimonis Pekstiņš
Domājams dažām ietekmīgām britu F1 komandām, maigi izsakoties, noskaidis, ka Mercedes+Šumahers ir nozadzis visus ziemassvētku virsrakstus līdz pat jaunajam gadam... Nu un tagad lej žļuru cik nu var...
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