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"Alstom" noliedz saistību ar "Latvenergo" amatpersonu lietu

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Bez šaubām, bez šaubām, kad lieta ir pacelta, tad visi cenšas kratīties vaļā. Fui, Latvenergo! Nepazīstu tādu!
tāds tādu atrod!
Latvenergo sadarbojies ar ABIEM slavenajiem kukuļdevējiem.
Daimler 'agrees $185m fine' to settle US corruption investigation Report says German carmaker will plead guilty to charges of bribing officials to land government contracts in 22 countries. Atslēgas vārdi nesaprašam: piekrīt maksāt soda naudu 185 miljonu dolāru apmērā, atzīs vainu amatpersonu kukuļošanā. Mēģini vēlreiz.
Teiktais par shēmām Brazīlijā, ar 7,5% tiesu San Paulu mēram pietuvinātajam starpniekam no katra līguma, izskatās iespaidīgi. Izskatās, uzņēmumam ir piešauta roka.
Pameklējiet internetā par Latvenergo slaveno partneru "biznesa tradīcijām": " Reinhardt Siekaczek Interview The unusual journey of Reinhardt Siekaczek, a former midlevel executive at the German engineering giant Siemens, helps explain how the company ended up paying $1.6 billion in the largest fine for bribery in modern corporate history. "
Tiesībsargājošo iestāžu operatīvā darbība, kas vērsta pret "Latvenergo" vadību, iespējams, sakarā ar koģenerācijas stacijas "TEC-2" rekonstrukciju, nav saistīta ar inženiertehnisko risinājumu koncernu "Siemens", biznesa portālam "" pavēstīja "Siemens" meitasuzņēmuma Somijā komunikāciju direktore Kirsi Rejmane.
2 slavenas kompānijas
In the past year or so, there have been two high-profile cases where European companies have been charged with bribing potential customers in order to obtain business. One case involves Siemens AG, Europe's largest engineering company. It does business in nearly 200 countries around the world and manufactures a wide range of products, including light bulbs, medical scanners, steam turbines, and high-speed trains. The other company is Alstom SA, a French engineering firm that makes power turbines, high-speed trains and subway cars. Here are their stories. Siemens AG In 2006, German police raided the company's headquarters looking for evidence that Siemens managers had bribed potential customers in order to win projects in various foreign countries. After an internal investigation in the fall of 2007, the company said it found $US 1.3 billion in suspicious transactions during the period 2000-2006. The investigation triggered the resignation of the company’s CEO and its supervisory board chairman. The U.S. Justice Department had been investigating Siemens under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. In 2007, a German court fined Siemens $US 284 million after the company admitted that it bribed government officials in Nigeria, Russia, and Libya in order to win telecommunications equipment contracts in those countries. In July 2008, Reinhard Siekaczek, a sales executive at the company, was found guilty of breach of trust. He had funneled $US 77 million into a slush fund that was used to pay bribes to help win infrastructure contracts. He was fined $US 170,000 and given a two-year suspended sentence. He also testified that his superiors were aware of what was going on. In fact, he said they told him to organize a new way of raising money to pay bribes. So he created fake contracts that he used to extract $US 83 million from Siemens' regular accounts. He received a lenient sentence for cooperating. In October 2008 a Munich court ruled that Siemens had paid $US 17.5 million in bribes to government officials in Nigeria, Libya, and Russia. These bribes were facilitated by Siekaczek. In November 2008, Siemens said it would set aside $U.S. 1.3 billion to pay for fines levied by the German and U.S. governments. As a result of the scandal, there has been a massive personnel shakeup at Siemens. All but one management board member has been replaced. But all of this scandal didn’t affect the company's stock. In November 2007, the stock price was 32 percent higher than it had been a year earlier. Profits are up because of a successful restructuring. Alstom SA Alstom is alleged to have given hundreds of millions of dollars of bribes to go-betweens to win contracts in South America and Asia. Suspicious contracts include a subway expansion in Sao Paulo, Brazil, a hydroelectric plant in Ita, Brazil, and electric power stations in Singapore and Venezuela. In Brazil, for example, it is alleged that a mysterious middleman arranged payments to Brazilian politicians so that they would award lucrative public works contracts to Alstom. The middleman was paid $US 5 million, but so far there is no evidence that any Brazilian politicians actually received any money. If it loses its case, Alstom could be banned from bidding on contracts in fast-growing economies like Brazil. The company denies any wrongdoing and says it is a victim, not a perpetrator. Documents seized by prosecutors allegedly show that the scheme was run by senior Alstom officials in Paris, and that cash was channeled through shell companies and Swiss bank accounts to make it look like Alstom was not involved. Investigators claim that the alleged bribery started in 1997, when a Paris-based Alstom executive wrote a memo proposing that a middleman be paid a big commission to help win political support in Brazil for Altom's bids. In another memo, the executive noted that the middleman was close to the governor of Sao Paulo and could "get things done" if he (the middleman) was paid 7.5 percent of the value of any contract that was signed. Shortly after that, a team of executives was formed to work with the middleman. Records of the "commission" payments were sent to a Swiss banker for safekeeping. The banker kept the records at the home of a secretary. The documents were discovered during the course of an unrelated probe after the banker was arrested and charged with laundering money for a South American drug ring. The identity of the middleman is still unknown.
cita kule
Latvia As to Latvia, the information charges that EvoBus GmbH ("EvoBus"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Daimler and part of a Daimler business unit called Daimler Buses, paid approximately €1,800,000 in 'commision' payments to third parties with the understanding that such improper payments would be passed on, in whole or in part, to Latvian government officials to influnce the award of contracts to EvoBus." According to the information, the contracts were awarded by the Riga City Council Traffic Department and EvoBus paid bribes to members of the Riga City Council. To make these "commission payments and to disguise their true nature and purpose" the information charges that "EvoBus entered into sham consulting contracts with, among others, two U.S. based entities: Oldenburgh Financial Corporation, incorporated in Delaware, and United Petrol Group LLP, incorporated in Oregon."
Lieta nopietna, ja somi sākuši uztraukties!
mekleetaajs>>>>> alstom+bribes! jauka aina paveras! :)
The U.K. Serious Fraud Office ("SFO") issued this release today which states that "[t]hree members of the Board of ALSTOM in the UK have been arrested on suspicion of bribery and corruption, conspiracy to pay bribes, money laundering and false accounting, and have been taken to police stations to be interviewed by the Serious Fraud Office." According to the release, search warrants were executed at five ALSTOM businesses premises and four residential addresses. The operation, involving "109 SFO staff and 44 police officers" is code-named "Operation Ruthenium" and centers on "suspected payment of bribes by companies within the ALSTOM group in the U.K." According to the release, "[i]t is suspected that bribes have been paid in order to win contracts overseas."
24 March 2010 Three members of the board of Alstom, one of the world's leading train manufacturers and power station builders, have been arrested on suspicion of bribery and corruption, conspiracy to pay bribes, money laundering and false accounting. Earlier this morning, search warrants were executed at Alstom's business premises and residential addresses.
Te gan visi gudri. Daimler paziņojis. Pat ja būtu? Vai tā ir neapstrīdama patiesība? Vai kāds jau notiesāts? Nāvīgie viedokļi un komentāri.
Ja ne no "Alstom Power", tad no kurienes Livanovičam tādi līdzekļi, kuri pēc KNAB domām ir tie Latvenergo pirkšanai domāti?
Interesanti, no kurienes tad Livanovičam tādi līdzekļi, ja ne no "Alstom Power"????????? Un ja tiešām ne,tad .....būs no KNAB nozagtās naudas vai?


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