Laika ziņas
Svētdiena, 27. oktobris
Lilita, Irita, Ita

Eiropas Ārlietu padomes atklātā vēstule ES līderiem pirms G20 sanāksmes

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Pieprasītā sadaļa var saturēt erotiskus materiālus, kuru apskatīšana atļauta tikai pilngadību sasniegušām personām.


Padomes locekļu pilns saraksts angļu valodā

1. Asger Aamund (Denmark) - President and CEO, A. J. Aamund A/S and Chairman of Bavarian Nordic A/S
2. Urban Ahlin (Sweden) - Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and foreign policy spokesperson for the Social Democratic Party
3. Martti Ahtisaari (Finland) - Chairman of the Board, Crisis Management Initiative; former President
4. Giuliano Amato (Italy) - former Prime Minister and vice President of the European Convention
5. Hannes Androsch (Austria) - Founder, AIC Androsch International Management Consulting
6. Marek Belka (Poland) - Director, European Department, International Monetary Fund; former Prime Minister
7. Jan Krzysztof Bielecki (Poland) - President, Bank Pekao SA; former Prime Minister
8. Svetoslav Bojilov (Bulgaria) - Founder, Communitas Foundation and President of Venture Equity Bulgaria Ltd.
9. Emma Bonino (Italy) - Vice President of the Senate; former EU Commissioner
10. John Bruton (Ireland) - European Commission's Ambassador to the USA; former Prime Minister (Taoiseach)
11. Ian Buruma (The Netherlands) - Writer and academic
12. Gunilla Carlsson (Sweden) - Minister for International Development Cooperation
13. Manuel Castells (Spain) - Professor, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and University of Southern California
14. Charles Clarke (United Kingdom) - MP; former Home Secretary
15. Nicola Clase (Sweden) - Associate, Weatherhead Center, Harvard University; former State Secretary
16. Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Germany) - Member of European Parliament
17. Robert Cooper (United Kingdom) - Director General for External and Politico-Military Affairs, Council of the EU
18. Massimo D'Alema (Italy) - President, Italianieuropei Foundation; former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister
19. Marta Dassù (Italy) - Director General International Activities, Aspen Instittue Italia
20. Etienne Davignon (Belgium) - President, Friends of Europe; former Vice President of the European Commission
21. Jean-Luc Dehaene (Belgium) - Member of European Parliament; former Prime Minister
22. Gianfranco Dell'Alba (Italy) - Director, Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria) - Brussels office; former Member of European Parliament
23. Pavol Demeš (Slovakia) - Director, German Marshall Fund of the United States(Bratislava)
24. Tibor Dessewffy (Hungary) - President, DEMOS Hungary
25. Andrew Duff (United Kingdom) - Member of European Parliament
26. Sarmite Elerte (Latvia) - Chairperson, Baltic to Black Sea Alliance (BBSA); former Editor-in-chief of daily newspaper Diena
27. Uffe Ellemann-Jensen (Denmark) - Chairman, Bankinvest; former Foreign Minister
28. Brian Eno (United Kingdom) - Musician and Producer
29. Gianfranco Fini (Italy) - President, Chamber of Deputies; former Foreign Minister
30. Joschka Fischer (Germany) - former Foreign Minister and vice-Chancellor
31. Jaime Gama (Portugal) - Speaker of the Parliament; former Foreign Minister
32. Timothy Garton Ash (United Kingdom) - Professor of European Studies, Oxford University
33. †  Bronislaw Geremek (Poland) - Member of European Parliament; former Foreign Minister
34. Anthony Giddens (United Kingdom) - Emeritus Professor, London School of Economics
35. Teresa Patricio Gouveia (Portugal) -  Trustee to the Board of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; former Foreign Minister
36. Heather Grabbe (United Kingdom) - Executive Director, Open Society Institute - Brussels
37. Fernando Andresen Guimaraes (Portugal) - Adviser to European Commission President José ManuelBarroso
38. Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (Germany) - Minister of Economics and Technology
39. István Gyarmati (Hungary) - President and CEO, International Centre for Democratic Transition
40. Hans Hækkerup (Denmark) - Chairman, Defence Commission; former Defence Minister
41. Pierre Hassner (France) - Research Director emeritus, CERI (Sciences-PO)
42. Annette Heuser (Germany) - Executive Director, Bertelsmann Foundation Washington DC
43. Diego Hidalgo (Spain) - Co-founder of Spanish newspaper El País; President, FRIDE
44. Michiel van Hulten (The Netherlands) - Managing Director, Burson-Masteller Brussels office; former Member of European Parliament
45. Anna Ibrisagic (Sweden) - Member of European Parliament
46. Jaakko Iloniemi (Finland) - CEO, UNIFIN; former Executive Director, Crisis Management Initiative
47. Wolfgang Ischinger (Germany) - Chairman, Munich Security Conference; Global Head of Government Affairs Allianz SE
48. Lionel Jospin (France) - former Prime Minister
49. Mary Kaldor (United Kingdom) - Professor, London School of Economics
50. Glenys Kinnock (United Kingdom) - Member of European Parliament
51. Olli Kivinen (Finland) - Writer and columnist
52. Gerald Knaus (Austria) - Chairman, European Stability Initiative and Open Society Fellow
53. Caio Koch-Weser (Germany) - Vice Chairman, Deutsche Bank Group; former State Secretary
54. Rem Koolhaas (The Netherlands) - Architect and urbanist; Professor at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University
55. Ivan Krastev (Bulgaria) - Chair of Board, Centre for Liberal Strategies
56. Mart Laar (Estonia) - MP; former Prime Minister
57. Miroslav Lajčák (Slovakia) - Foreign Minister; former High Representative and EU Special Representative in Bosnia Herzegovina
58. Pascal Lamy (France) - Honorary President, Notre Europe and Director-General of WTO; former EU Commissioner
59. Mark Leonard (United Kingdom) - Executive Director, European Council on Foreign Relations
60. Juan Fernando López Aguilar ( Spain) - Head of the Spanish delegation to the PACE; former Minister of Justice
61. Helena Luczywo (Poland) - Deputy Editor-in-chief, Gazeta Wyborcza
62. Adam Lury (United Kingdom) - Director, Menemsha Ltd; former advisor to Lord Browne
63. Alain Minc (France) - Head of AM Conseil; former chairman, Le Monde
64. Nickolay Mladenov (Bulgaria) - Member of European Parliament
65. Dominique Moisi (France) - Senior Adviser, IFRI
66. Pierre Moscovici (France) - MP; former Minister for European Affairs
67. Kalypso Nicolaïdis (Greece/France) - Professor of International Relations and Director of European Studies Centre, University of Oxford
68. Christine Ockrent (Belgium) - CEO, Audiovisuel Extérieur de la France
69. Andrzej Olechowski (Poland) - former Foreign Minister
70. Dick Oosting (The Netherlands) - Europe Director, International Centre for Transitional Justice
71. Mabel van Oranje (The Netherlands) - CEO, The Elders
72. Marcelino Oreja Aguirre (Spain) - Member of the Board, Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas; former EU Commissioner
73. Leoluca Orlando (Italy) - MP and President, Sicilian Renaissance Institute
74. Cem Özdemir (Germany) - Leader, Bündnis90/Die Grünen (Green Party) and Member of the European Parliament
75. Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa (Italy) - President, Notre Europe; former chairman of IMF and former Minister of Economy and Finance
76. Ana Palacio (Spain) - Senior Vice President for International Affairs and Marketing, AREVA; former Foreign Minister
77. Simon Panek (Czech Republic) - Chairman, People in Need Foundation
78. Chris Patten (United Kingdom) - Chancellor of Oxford University and co-chair of the International Crisis Group; former EU Commissioner
79. Diana Pinto (France) - Historian and author
80. Jean Pisani-Ferry (France) - Director, Bruegel and Professor at Universite Paris-Dauphine
81. Ruprecht Polenz (Germany) - MP and Chairman of the Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee
82. Lydie Polfer (Luxembourg) - Member of European Parliament; former Foreign Minister
83. Andrew Puddephatt (United Kingdom) - Director, Global Partners & Associated Ltd.
84. Vesna Pusić (Croatia) - MP and Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Professor of Sociology, University of Zagreb
85. Sigrid Rausing (United Kingdom) - Founder, Sigrid Rausing Trust
86. George Robertson (United Kingdom) - former Secretary General of NATO
87. Albert Rohan (Austria) - former Secretary General for Foreign Affairs
88. Dariusz Rosati (Poland) - Member of European Parliament; former Foreign Minister
89. Adam D. Rotfeld (Poland) - Chairman of the UN Secretary General's Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters; former Foreign Minister
90. Renato Ruggiero (Italy) - former Foreign Minister and former Secretary General of WTO
91. Daniel Sachs (Sweden) - CEO, Proventus
92. Pierre Schori (Sweden) - Director General, FRIDE; former SRSG to Cote d´Ivoire
93. Giuseppe Scognamiglio (Italy) - Head of Institutional and International Relations, UniCredit
94. Narcís Serra (Spain) - Chair of CIDOB Foundation; former Vice President
95. Elif Shafak (Turkey) - Writer
96. Wolfgang Schüssel (Austria) - Chairman, Parliamentary Group of the Austrian People's Party; former Chancellor
97. Karel Schwarzenberg (Czech Republic) - Minister of Foreign Affairs
98. Aleksander Smolar (Poland) - Chairman of the Board, Stefan Batory Foundation
99. George Soros (Hungary/USA) - Chairman, Open Society Institute
100. Dominique Strauss-Kahn (France) - Managing Director, International Monetary Fund; former Finance Minister
101. Alexander Stubb (Finland) - Foreign Minister
102. Michael Stürmer (Germany) - Chief Correspondent, Die Welt
103. Helle Thorning Schmidt (Denmark) - Leader of the Social Democratic Party
104. Loukas Tsoukalis (Greece) - Professor, University of Athens and President, ELIAMEP
105. Erkki Tuomioja (Finland) - MP; former Foreign Minister
106. Vaira Vike- Freiberga (Latvia) - former President
107. Antonio Vitorino (Portugal) - Lawyer; former EU Commissioner
108. Gijs de Vries (The Netherlands) - Member of the Board, Netherlands Court of Audit; former EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator
109. Sir Stephen Wall (United Kingdom) - Chairman, Hill and Knowlton (Public Affairs EMEA); former advisor to Tony Blair
110. Andre Wilkens (Germany) - Head of Strategic Communications, UNHCR 
111. Shirley Williams (United Kingdom) - Professor Emeritus, Kennedy School of Government and former Leader of the Liberal Democrats
112. Carlos Alonso Zaldivar (Spain) - Ambassador to Brazil

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