Laika ziņas
Ceturtdiena, 17. oktobris
Karīna, Gaits

Valsts budžeta ieņēmumi pirms konsolidācijas plānoti 4 miljardi latu, izdevumi - 4,8 miljardi latu

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Jaacer, ka bezdarbs turpinaas samazinaaties. Tad tik tikko kaa atliek drusku nauda mums jaagaadaa par beerniem un gjimeneem, citaadi Latvija paliks bez naakotnes!
Patāstiet man-muļķei kā var izdot vairāk kā ieņemt?! Es savā mājsaimniecībā arī gribētu tā rīkoties! Jebkurš uzņēmējs gribētu šitā rīkoties, bet mums šitāda shēma nekādīgi nesanāk!
Vai tiešām viņi tur visi ir stulbeņi ????? Ieņem 4 ,bet izdod 4,8 Ls ,kur jeb kurš maksās 0,8Ls vai par uzkrājumu arī neviens nedomā vismaz 1Ls kur ņemt 1,8 Ls ???????kam tāds budžets vajadzīgs.........
Nu redz - devalvācija pa 20% un ir sabalansēts bezdeficīta budžets! Vai tas nebūtu viens prāta darbs?
Finministra vietā jāieceļ to Liepājas uzņēmēju, kurš māk taisīt naudu vienalga kādā veidā. Šitie procentu ņaudētāji jau apnikuši. Vislaik tik konsilidē no mazturīgajiem un nemāk izrāpties no bedres.
Kapteinis Džo
The IMF projects Latvia’s real GDP to fall by 18 percent this year(2009). The magnitude of this contraction is rare in modern economic history (outside of war), even in the worst financial disasters of the past century. A recent paper by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff looked at 14 severe financial crises.14 The only declines greater than 18 percent are Argentina (-22 percent), which occurred over the four years 1998-2002; and the US in the Great Depression, a 29 percent drop that also occurred over four years. An 18 percent decline in one year therefore indicates a major policy failure in dealing with the crisis, regardless of the mistakes that led up to it, and despite the fact that Latvia’s banking system did not (as of this writing) collapse. The initial SBA with the IMF is clearly procyclical as it promotes the use of policy fiscal measures that reduce aggregate spending when the economy is heading towards a deep recession. By contrast, the IMF projections for Latvia – under assumptions that are looking increasingly over-optimistic – show the economy in 2014 still smaller than it was in 2006. And to make things even worse, these projections show a public debt of 90 percent of GDP in 2014 – far beyond the 60 percent limit required by the EU for the country to adopt the Euro. This has been one of the main goals, and justifications, for maintaining the peg and putting the country through hell – but this exit strategy looks increasingly unlikely. These governments have an enormous conflict of interest in this case. Their banks, including those of Austria, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France – have hundreds of billions of dollars of Euro-denominated loans to Central and Eastern Europe. A devaluation in Latvia could trigger the same result in Lithuania, Estonia, and Bulgaria, and increase defaults on the bad loans that these banks made during bubble years throughout the region. It is most likely for this reason that Europe increased its contribution to the IMF by $175 billion last year, with $108 billion also coming from the US congress and $100 billion from Japan. While they are squeezing Latvia dry right now, and the IMF is pressuring other countries to cut spending, they will have hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars on hand to bail out European banks if the need arises. This part of the story is familiar even to Americans who have watched as our largest financial institutions have received top priority from the government – and indeed are doing quite well right now – while millions lose their homes and their jobs. But Latvia is an extreme case, partly because the macro-economic policy is so far to the right, and 19th-century-brutal. The World Bank has complained about the pension cuts that disproportionately hurt the poor, and the long-term damage to the educational system from mandated budget cuts in that area. There really is no excuse for this to continue. Tā raksta Center for Economic and Policy Research
Vienotības klibā pīle
zvirbulēns 11:41 Tad jau var droši vēl vienu miljardu ielikt Parexbankā! ______________ TU APBIŽO MŪSU VIENOTĪBU. Mums vēl jānoliek naudiņa arī zviedrīšu banku rezervēm, lai svensoniem peļņa iznāktu, bet mūsu bauriem vēl lielāki procentiņi mazmazmazbērniem ko maksāt. Bet mūsu treknais kāmītis par to daudzus ārzemju urdeņus saņems. Vai nav fena tā valdīšanas sile, ko?
par izdevumiem - skaidrs, valsts aparāts jāapmaksā. lūdzu precizēt ieņēmumus - tie 4 miljardi droši ven domāti Aizņēmumi no SVF (citi tādi ieņēmumi nav iespējami, nodokļu maksātāji ir pusbankrotējuši).
Būs o.k.!
tu varētu pieteikties Latvijas zelta talantiem - jo ne katrs māk dirst ar abiem caurumiem.
Kapteinis Džo
Reāls pārmaiņas var sākties tikai tad kad pensionārus nolaidīs uz 100-latnieku līmeni,budžetniekus uz minimālo algu un ja Saeima apstiprinās šo budžetu.
Zagļu valdība
Dombrovska (Vienotība) valdība, apzogot zīdaiņus, jaunos vecākus un lielās ģimenes, apzog Latvijas nākotni!
ups, "ik2010" vietā jābūt "ik2011"
jākonsolidē=šī gada reālais deficīts miljonos+380+150-0.06*ik2010=šī gada reālais deficīts+530-apmēram 800=šī gada reālais deficīts-270 CIk būs šī gada reālais deficīts? Kāds zina? Ja būs ap 600, tad jākonsolidē tikai 330.
2009. un 2010. gadā Latvijas IK ir 13 miljardi.


Pieprasītā sadaļa var saturēt erotiskus materiālus, kuru apskatīšana atļauta tikai pilngadību sasniegušām personām.

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