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Penss pauž aizvainojumu par Trampa izteikumiem

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Kas ir Peniss, to zin ikviens. Bet kas tad tam Penisam nepatīk Trampā? Kāpēc Diena to nevar izklāstīt īsi, kodolīgi, un visiem saprotami>
nelegālā imigranta sapnis
“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders" © H Clinton ____ Nu ikurāt kā Angelas M projekts!
par cik rodhemiete to antīko video, ar ko cer aizēnot savus svaigos skandālus, iegādājās? ""It's not hard to see why she fought so hard to keep her transcripts of speeches to Wall Street banks paying her millions of dollars secret.""
tirgussievas manieres
'In the past, Hillary had thrown books and an ashtray at the president — both hitting their mark . . . Hillary slapped him across the face — hard enough to leave a red mark that would be clearly visible to Secret Service agents when he left the room. The book, which claims to be based on accounts by those close the Clintons, also describes Hillary throwing things at her husband during limo rides. One of their drivers alleged that she would throw: 'Yellow legal pads, files, briefing books, car keys...'
pareizi, viriesus jasit. sievietes labakas.
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Kura sieva tā nedarītu
pēc vīra nerātnībām?
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Senator John Tune
Donald Trump should withdraw and Mike Pence should be our nominee effective immediately.
Atradis, ko citeet. Tanns ir taads pats pielaiziits neizdevies karjerists kaa lokaalais briljantiingalva (ar to sievu wannabe gleznotaaju, neatceros uzvaardu)
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Gūglē var atrast tādu "putin&q
ar daudziem nikneimiem. Un tad?
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Nav tāda senatora... bet google var atrast tādu Thune ar nikneimiem 'moron, douchebag, idiot'.
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ir svaigāki citāti
A woman who is seeking the office of “Commander-in-Chief” should really show a little more intestinal fortitude. The act is laughable, because her own use of profanity is so notorious that there are whole books on the subject! A California friend, Bill Monroe, offers this example. Hillary’s vulgar and nasty language is well documented. To directly quote her: ‘F**k off! It’s enough that I have to see you ****-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.’ (From the book American Evita by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 – Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning.”) That is not the only tome that documents Clinton’s legendary temper. Another book, Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary Clinton, recounts an episode with Obama as the target of one of her grand tirades. Clinton requested a meeting with Obama, against the advice of hubby Bill Clinton, believing “she was being persecuted for minor, meaningless violations,” author Edward Klein writes. Clinton initially took a friendly approach during the meeting and Obama reacted as if he didn’t know what she was talking about, the book claims. “He was almost being deliberately dense,” a Clinton source said. “It really angered her.” Clinton lost her temper and called the president by his first name in an emotionally driven break with White House decorum, according to the book. “What I want for you to do is call off your f–king dogs, Barack!” Clinton allegedly barked at Obama, according to Klein’s account, which cited sources close to Clinton and Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. Obama got off lightly compared to her husband, according to an episode described in a third book, The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House. [Author Kate Andersen] Brower gave an interview with CNN in which she is laughing and smiling while telling the story of Hillary Clinton’s violent, bloody attack on her husband the President of the United States. Apparently, spousal abuse is funny if committed by a feminist icon running for president. An example of how the political press is playing this comes from Politico, which published a lengthy book excerpt that left out Hillary’s alleged bloody attack on Bill. Politico did lead with the ‘lamp throwing’ incident which as the Clinton defenders might say, is ‘old news’. But Politico left out the damning alleged criminal attack.
Lēdijas pauž aizvainojumu
par Pensa izteikumiem:
Neviens no viņiem - ne Hilarija, ne Tramps - nav svētie! ~! bet TRAMPS VARBŪT novērsīs to trako PERVERSIJU ideoloģijas spiedienu, kas tiek izdarīts pasaules mērogā - slavinot anomālas dzimumdzīves labumus un tiecoties legalizēt anomālas attiecība un - kas vēl trakāk - bērnu adopciju tajās!!!!
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Nepateicīgā Latvija
Ja jau tad jau . Pie reizes Pensim vajadzēja arī uzslavēt Klintonu ģimeni par Bila, kas prezidents būdams) un Monikas draiskošanos ovālajā kabinetā.
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