Laika ziņas
Otrdiena, 22. oktobris
Irīda, Īrisa, Airisa

Latvijas braucējs Calko Silverstonā kļūst par Radical Masters Euroseries čempionāta līderi

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no thanks , which is sotinhemg I've encouraged others to do), but I still watch a lot of TV (we've got one of those new-fangled 3d ones). It costs me around R250-R300 p/m to watch whatever I want to.For that money, I go to my nearest video rental store and get two old movies (older than two years) for R24 for two days. I get half a season of a series of my choice (dexter, perception, etc) for R29 to keep for the entire week. In short, I get to watch whatever the hell I want to, pay only for what I watch AND I experience a better quality of programming tailored to my exact tastes (because I get to choose what to rent).An extra bonus is that on the months when I don't have much time for TV, I pay less (for example, away on vacation, abroad for work, etc). You haven't advanced any reason for why this sort of arrangement won't work for you.Perhaps you want to watch sport in that case you have no choice but to continue paying. The reason but the shows in the video store are all over a year old is a stupid one. Can't you wait a year to see the latest season of House , or Hung , or CSI:Making even more money or whatever? I pay R29 per half a season (for less than a year old) and R29 for a full season of old series.4. RE: Your opinion that subscriber base will increaseI've no doubt that you hold good reasons for thinking this; but the experience by the teams of statisticians and analysts hired by multichoice show that they don't share your opinion. You've not offered them any reason or evidence for them to think that you are right at all. All you're offering is based on wishful thinking.If you look around the world, all the pay-tv providers (hundreds of them) use the same logic when making an offering they offer packages only. This is because their numerous and peer-reviewed (and experience-corroborated) studies have shown them that this is the best way to make the most money.It truly is humbling for me to meet, finally, someone who believes that they are smarter about what the market wants than the literally hundreds of highly-educated and trained individuals who use advanced statistics and market research combined with psychological studies into human behaviour.What exactly do you have to offer as evidence that your suggestion would be more profitable than the current status quo? They have studies on human behaviour, hypothesis testing, dozens of PHd's, all trying to optimise the money that is made. You have what, exactly?I thought so. To all the other posters hurling insults at those delivering actual reasons for the business being run the way it is if you're so smart at what you think the market wants, you shouldn't be here throwing insults at the people who know what's happening; you should be out there making millions from the pay-tv people who want to pay only for the channels they watch.Unfortunately, the market has repeatedly spoken, and those people are a loss for the pay-tv providers, not a profit, as you'll soon find out if you try to make that offering.
kā tur ir?
droši vien simulatorā nevis stimulatorā!:)
baigs "latvietis" - Konstantīns Calko :))


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