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Copy – paste: 1000 filmas

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KINO, saprotams.

Vai, piemēram, grasās kolekcionēt  "visu laiku un tautu labāko filmu tūkstoša izlasi".

Šis saraksts ir teju ideāls, - rezultāts summāram aprēķinam, kā smejies, "kvadrātsaknei" no pasaulē svarīgāko (es zinu, ka jums riebjas vārdiņi ietekmīgo un prestižāko) kino žurnālu un par kino rakstošo izdevumu, tādu kā Sight and Sound, Movieline, Les Cahiers du Cinema, Century of the film, Senses of cinema, Film Review, Village Voice, John Kobal Book, National society of film critics Journal, Time, Arts and Faiths, El Mundo, - apmēram simts dažādu avotu, katalogu un ar kino saistītu profesionālo biedrību sastādīto reitingiem par VISLABĀKAJĀM FILMĀM. 

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Nu, lūgtum, priecājieties! (Tos, kas izlasīs listi līdz galam, gaida PĀRSTEIGUMS

1895 L'arrivée d'un train à la Ciotat (Lumiere, August & Louis Lumiere; France) - 968 
1902 Le Voyage dans la lune/A Trip to the Moon (Melies, Georges; France) - 506 
1915 Birth of a Nation, The (Griffith, D.W.; US) - 122 
1915 Les Vampires (Feuillade, Louis; France) - 224 
1916 Intolerance (Griffith, D.W.; US) - 44 
1918 Tih Minh (Feuillade, Louis; France) - 794 
1919 Broken Blossoms (Griffith, D.W.; US) - 120 
1919 Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (Wiene, Robert; Germany) - 143 
1919 True Heart Susie (Griffith, D.W.; US) - 697 
1920 Phantom Carriage, The/Korkarlen (Sjostrom, Victor; Sweden) - 588 
1920 Way Down East (Griffith, D.W.; US) - 937 
1921 Kid, The (Chaplin, Charles; US) - 278 
1922 Dr. Mabuse: Der Spieler/Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler (Lang, Fritz; Germany) - 645 
1922 Foolish Wives (von Stroheim, Erich; US) - 824 
1922 Nanook of the North (Flaherty, Robert; US) - 199 
1922 Nosferatu (Murnau, F.W.; Germany) - 83 
1923 Our Hospitality (Keaton, Buster/John Blystone; US) - 365 
1923 Warning Shadows/Schatten (Robison, Arthur; Germany) - 887 
1924 He Who Gets Slapped (Sjostrom, Victor; US) - 712 
1924 Last Laugh, The (Murnau, F.W.; Germany) - 216 
1924 Navigator, The (Keaton, Buster/Donald Crisp; US) - 218 
1924 Sherlock, Jr. (Keaton, Buster; US) - 66 
1924 Strike/Stachka (Eisenstein, Sergei; USSR) - 238 
1925 Battleship Potemkin/Potemkin (Eisenstein, Sergei; Russia) - 12 
1925 Big Parade, The (Vidor, King; US) - 957 
1925 Gold Rush, The (Chaplin, Charles; US) - 37 
1925 Greed (von Stroheim, Erich; US) - 63 
1925 Moana (Flaherty, Robert; US) - 885 
1925 Seven Chances (Keaton, Buster; US) - 476 
1926 Adventures of Prince Achmed, The (Reiniger, Lotte; Germany) - 855 
1926 Faust (Murnau, F.W.; Germany) - 593 
1926 Menilmontant (Kirsanoff, Dimitri; France) - 620 
1926 Metropolis (Lang, Fritz; Germany) - 71 
1926 Mother/Mat (Pudovkin, Vsevolod; USSR) - 903 
1927 Berlin, Symphony of a Great City (Ruttmann, Walter; Germany) - 806 
1927 End of St. Petersburg, The (Pudovkin, Vsevolod; USSR) - 995 
1927 General, The [1927] (Keaton, Buster/Clyde Bruckman; US) - 26 
1927 Italian Straw Hat, The (Clair, Rene; France) - 974 
1927 Napoleon (Gance, Abel; France) - 119 
1927 October/Oktyabar/Ten Days That Shook the World (Eisenstein, Sergei; Russia) - 276 
1927 Sunrise (Murnau, F.W.; US) - 11 
1928 Cameraman, The (Keaton, Buster/Edward Sedgwick; US) - 375 
1928 Circus, The (Chaplin, Charles; US) - 371 
1928 Crowd, The (Vidor, King; US) - 179 
1928 Docks of New York, The (von Sternberg, Josef; US) - 1000 
1928 L'Argent (L'Herbier, Marcel; France) - 826 
1928 Pandora's Box (Pabst, G.W.; Germany) - 189 
1928 Passion of Joan of Arc, The (Dreyer, Carl; France) - 13 
1928 Queen Kelly (von Stroheim, Erich; US) - 886 
1928 Show People (Vidor, King; US) - 766 
1928 Spies/Spione (Lang, Fritz; Germany) - 868 
1928 Steamboat Bill, Jr. (Keaton, Buster/Charles F. Reisner; US) - 246 
1928 Storm Over Asia/Potomok Chingis-Khana (Pudovkin, Vsevolod; Russia) - 891 
1928 Un Chien Andalou (Bunuel, Luis; France) - 198 
1928 Wedding March, The (von Stroheim, Erich; US) - 459 
1928 Wind, The (Sjostrom, Victor; US) - 332 
1929 Arsenal (Dovzhenko, Alexander; USSR) - 992 
1929 Diary of a Lost Girl (Pabst, G.W.; Germany) - 727 
1929 General Line, The/Old and New (Eisenstein, Sergei; USSR) - 989 
1929 Hallelujah! (Vidor, King; US) - 964 
1929 Man with a Movie Camera, The (Vertov, Dziga; USSR) - 84 
1930 All Quiet on the Western Front (Milestone, Lewis; US) - 297 
1930 Blood of a Poet, The/Le Sang d'un poète (Cocteau, Jean; France) - 660 
1930 Blue Angel, The (von Sternberg, Josef; Germany) - 316 
1930 City Girl (Murnau, F.W.; US) - 853 
1930 Earth/Zemlya (Dovzhenko, Alexander; Russia) - 115 
1930 L'Age d'Or (Bunuel, Luis; France) - 73 
1930 Morocco (von Sternberg, Josef; US) - 579 
1930 Under the Roofs of Paris/Sous les toits de Paris (Clair, Rene; France) - 692 
1931 A Nous la Liberte (Clair, Rene; France) - 574 
1931 City Lights (Chaplin, Charles; US) - 22 
1931 Frankenstein (Whale, James; US) - 324 
1931 Kameradschaft (Pabst, G.W.; Germany) - 972 
1931 La Chienne (Renoir, Jean; France) - 879 
1931 Le Million (Clair, Rene; France) - 424 
1931 Limite (Peixoto, Mario; Brazil) - 691 
1931 M (Lang, Fritz; Germany) - 53 
1931 Madchen in Uniform/Girls in Uniform (Sagan, Leontine; Germany) - 825 
1931 Tabu (Murnau, F.W.; US) - 221 
1932 Boudu Saved From Drowning (Renoir, Jean; France) - 673 
1932 Freaks (Browning, Tod; US) - 279 
1932 I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (LeRoy, Mervyn; US) - 472 
1932 I Was Born, But… (Ozu, Yasujiro; Japan) - 366 
1932 La Nuit du Carrefour (Renoir, Jean; France) - 667 
1932 Land Without Bread/Las Hurdes (Bunuel, Luis; Spain) - 452 
1932 Love Me Tonight (Mamoulian, Rouben; US) - 461 
1932 Que Viva Mexico! (Eisenstein, Sergei; US-USSR-Mexico) - 644 
1932 Scarface [1932] (Hawks, Howard; US) - 507 
1932 Trouble in Paradise (Lubitsch, Ernst; US) - 157 
1932 Vampyr (Dreyer, Carl; France-Germany) - 212 
1933 42nd Street (Bacon, Lloyd; US) - 530 
1933 Duck Soup (McCarey, Leo; US) - 103 
1933 Gold Diggers of 1933 (LeRoy, Mervyn; US) - 550 
1933 King Kong [1933] (Cooper, Merian C./Ernest B. Schoedsack; US) - 100 
1933 Outskirts/Okraina/Patriots (Barnet, Boris; USSR) - 595 
1933 Sons of the Desert (Seiter, William A.; US) - 907 
1933 Zero for Conduct/Zero de conduite (Vigo, Jean; France) - 219 
1934 Happiness/Schastye (Medvedkin, Aleksandr; USSR) - 743 
1934 It Happened One Night (Capra, Frank; US) - 248 
1934 It's a Gift (McLeod, Norman Z.; US) - 343 
1934 L'Atalante (Vigo, Jean; France) - 17 
1934 Man of Aran (Flaherty, Robert; UK) - 464 
1934 Our Daily Bread (Vidor, King; US) - 761 
1934 Scarlet Empress, The (von Sternberg, Josef; US) - 376 
1934 Song of Ceylon (Wright, Basil; UK) - 896 
1934 Thin Man, The (Van Dyke II, W.S.; US) - 859 
1935 39 Steps, The (Hitchcock, Alfred; UK) - 309 
1935 Bride of Frankenstein (Whale, James; US) - 202 
1935 Devil is a Woman, The (von Sternberg, Josef; US) - 465 
1935 Informer, The (Ford, John; US) - 624 
1935 Mutiny on the Bounty (Lloyd, Frank; US) - 832 
1935 Night at the Opera, A (Wood, Sam; US) - 223 
1935 Peter Ibbetson (Hathaway, Henry; US) - 695 
1935 Toni (Renoir, Jean; France) - 840 
1935 Top Hat (Sandrich, Mark; US) - 368 
1935 Triumph of the Will (Riefenstahl, Leni; Germany) - 262 
1936 By the Bluest of Seas (Barnet, Boris; Russia) - 493 
1936 Crime of Monsieur Lange, The (Renoir, Jean; France) - 190 
1936 Day in the Country, A/Une Partie Campagne (Renoir, Jean; France) - 211 
1936 Modern Times (Chaplin, Charles; US) - 55 
1936 My Man Godfrey (La Cava, Gregory; US) - 637 
1936 Olympia/Olympiad Berlin 1936 (Riefenstahl, Leni; Germany) - 488 
1936 Pepe Le Moko (Duvivier, Julien; France) - 442 
1936 Petrified Forest, The (Mayo, Archie; US) - 999 
1936 Sant Tukaram (Fattelal, Sheikh & Vishnupant Govind Damle; India) - 929 
1937 Angel (Lubitsch, Ernst; US) - 501 
1937 Awful Truth, The (McCarey, Leo; US) - 239 
1937 Humanity and Paper Balloons (Yamanaka, Sadao; Japan) - 977 
1937 La Grande Illusion/Grand Illusion (Renoir, Jean; France) - 27 
1937 Make Way for Tomorrow (McCarey, Leo; US) - 295 
1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Hand, David; US) - 311 
1937 Stella Dallas (Vidor, King; US) - 921 
1938 Adventures of Robin Hood, The (Curtiz, Michael/William Keighley; US) - 355 
1938 Alexander Nevsky (Eisenstein, Sergei; Russia) - 174 
1938 Angels With Dirty Faces (Curtiz, Michael; US) - 711 
1938 Bringing Up Baby (Hawks, Howard; US) - 117 
1938 Childhood of Maxim Gorky, The (Donskoi, Mark; USSR) - 756 
1938 Dybbuk, The [1938] (Waszynski, Michal; Poland) - 969 
1938 Holiday (Cukor, George; US) - 599 
1938 Hotel du Nord (Carne, Marcel; France) - 924 
1938 La Bete Humaine (Renoir, Jean; France) - 837 
1938 Lady Vanishes, The (Hitchcock, Alfred; UK) - 515 
1938 Port of Shadows/Le Quai des Brumes (Carne, Marcel; France) - 991 
1939 Gone with the Wind (Fleming, Victor; US) - 88 
1939 Gunga Din (Stevens, George; US) - 652 
1939 Le Jour Se Leve/Daybreak (Carne, Marcel; France) - 597 
1939 Love Affair (McCarey, Leo; US) - 888 
1939 Midnight (Leisen, Mitchell; US) - 772 
1939 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (Capra, Frank; US) - 341 
1939 My Apprenticeship (Donskoi, Mark; USSR) - 715 
1939 Ninotchka (Lubitsch, Ernst; US) - 229 
1939 Only Angels Have Wings (Hawks, Howard; US) - 272 
1939 Rules of the Game, The/La Regle du jeu (Renoir, Jean; France) - 2 
1939 Stagecoach (Ford, John; US) - 94 
1939 Story of the Late Chrysanthemums, The (Mizoguchi, Kenji; Japan) - 168 
1939 Wizard of Oz, The (Fleming, Victor; US) - 57 
1939 Women, The (Cukor, George; US) - 876 
1939 Young Mr. Lincoln (Ford, John; US) - 500 
1940 Bank Dick, The (Cline, Eddie; US) - 559 
1940 Fantasia (Sharpsteen, Ben; US) - 284 
1940 Grapes of Wrath, The (Ford, John; US) - 126 
1940 Great Dictator, The (Chaplin, Charles; US) - 277 
1940 His Girl Friday (Hawks, Howard; US) - 96 
1940 Philadelphia Story, The (Cukor, George; US) - 164 
1940 Pinocchio (Sharpsteen, Ben & Hamilton Luske; US) - 323 
1940 Rebecca (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 508 
1940 Shop Around the Corner, The (Lubitsch, Ernst; US) - 201 
1940 Thief of Bagdad, The [1940] (Powell, Michael/Ludwig Berger/Tim Whelan; UK) - 378 
1941 47 Ronin, The/The Loyal 47 Ronin (Mizoguchi, Kenji; Japan) - 438 
1941 Citizen Kane (Welles, Orson; US) - 1 
1941 Devil and Daniel Webster, The/All That Money Can Buy (Dieterle, William; US) - 973 
1941 Dumbo (Sharpsteen, Ben; US) - 570 
1941 Hellzapoppin' (Potter, H.C.; US) - 701 
1941 How Green Was My Valley (Ford, John; US) - 407 
1941 Lady Eve, The (Sturges, Preston; US) - 105 
1941 Listen to Britain (Jennings, Humphrey; UK) - 294 
1941 Maltese Falcon, The (Huston, John; US) - 159 
1941 Sullivan's Travels (Sturges, Preston; US) - 156 
1942 Casablanca (Curtiz, Michael; US) - 25 
1942 Cat People [1942] (Tourneur, Jacques; US) - 440 
1942 Les Visiteurs du soir, The/The Devil's Envoys (Carne, Marcel; France) - 802 
1942 Magnificent Ambersons, The (Welles, Orson; US) - 48 
1942 Now, Voyager (Rapper, Irving; US) - 623 
1942 Ossessione (Visconti, Luchino; Italy) - 666 
1942 Palm Beach Story, The (Sturges, Preston; US) - 165 
1942 To Be or Not to Be [1942] (Lubitsch, Ernst; US) - 148 
1943 Day of Wrath (Dreyer, Carl; Denmark) - 242 
1943 Douce/Love Story (Autant-Lara, Claude; France) - 745 
1943 Fires Were Started/I Was a Fireman (Jennings, Humphrey; UK) - 430 
1943 I Walked with a Zombie (Tourneur, Jacques; US) - 344 
1943 Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The (Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger; UK) - 183 
1943 Meshes of the Afternoon (Deren, Maya; US) - 296 
1943 Shadow of a Doubt (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 263 
1944 Canterbury Tale, A (Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger; UK) - 387 
1944 Double Indemnity (Wilder, Billy; US) - 101 
1944 Henry V [1944] (Olivier, Laurence; UK) - 364 
1944 Ivan the Terrible, Part One (Eisenstein, Sergei; Russia) - 129 
1944 Laura (Preminger, Otto; US) - 310 
1944 Meet Me in St. Louis (Minnelli, Vincente; US) - 170 
1944 Miracle of Morgan's Creek, The (Sturges, Preston; US) - 633 
1944 Opfergang (Harlan, Veit; Germany) - 928 
1944 To Have and Have Not (Hawks, Howard; US) - 292 
1945 Brief Encounter (Lean, David; UK) - 132 
1945 Detour (Ulmer, Edgar G.; US) - 449 
1945 Diary for Timothy, A (Jennings, Humphrey; UK) - 687 
1945 I Know Where I'm Going! (Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger; UK) - 434 
1945 Leave Her to Heaven (Stahl, John M.; US) - 773 
1945 Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne (Bresson, Robert; France) - 382 
1945 Les Enfants du Paradis/Children of Paradise (Carne, Marcel; France) - 24 
1945 Mildred Pierce (Curtiz, Michael; US) - 679 
1945 Rome, Open City/Open City (Rossellini, Roberto; Italy) - 141 
1945 They Were Expendable (Ford, John; US) - 299 
1946 Beauty and the Beast/La Belle et la Bete (Cocteau, Jean; France) - 208 
1946 Best Years of Our Lives, The (Wyler, William; US) - 109 
1946 Big Sleep, The (Hawks, Howard; US) - 260 
1946 Black Narcissus (Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger; UK) - 125 
1946 Five Women Around Utamaro (Mizoguchi, Kenji; Japan) - 902 
1946 Gilda (Vidor, Charles; US) - 834 
1946 Great Expectations [1946] (Lean, David; UK) - 266 
1946 It's a Wonderful Life (Capra, Frank; US) - 51 
1946 Ivan the Terrible, Part Two (Eisenstein, Sergei; USSR) - 128 
1946 Matter of Life and Death, A/Stairway to Heaven (Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger; UK) - 180 
1946 My Darling Clementine (Ford, John; US) - 80 
1946 Notorious (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 76 
1946 Paisan/Paisa (Rossellini, Roberto; Italy) - 133 
1946 Shoeshine/Sciuscia (De Sica, Vittorio; Italy) - 583 
1947 Germany, Year Zero (Rossellini, Roberto; Italy-West Germany) - 206 
1947 Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The (Mankiewicz, Joseph L.; US) - 704 
1947 King Size Canary (Avery, Tex; US) - 869 
1947 La Terra Trema (Visconti, Luchino; Italy) - 490 
1947 Monsieur Verdoux (Chaplin, Charles; US) - 160 
1947 Odd Man Out (Reed, Carol; UK) - 321 
1947 Out of the Past (Tourneur, Jacques; US) - 150 
1947 Pursued (Walsh, Raoul; US) - 575 
1947 Quai des Orfevres (Clouzot, H.G.; France) - 897 
1948 Bicycle Thief, The/Ladri di Biciclette/Bicycle Thieves (De Sica, Vittorio; Italy) - 19 
1948 Fallen Idol, The (Reed, Carol; UK) - 640 
1948 Hamlet [1948] (Olivier, Laurence; UK) - 835 
1948 Lady from Shanghai, The (Welles, Orson; US) - 383 
1948 Letter from an Unknown Woman (Ophuls, Max; US) - 99 
1948 Louisiana Story (Flaherty, Robert; US) - 862 
1948 Moonrise (Borzage, Frank; US) - 860 
1948 Portrait of Jennie (Dieterle, William; US) - 950 
1948 Red River (Hawks, Howard; US) - 130 
1948 Red Shoes, The (Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger; UK) - 136 
1948 Rope (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 996 
1948 Spring in a Small City/Spring in a Small Town (Fei Mu; China) - 553 
1948 Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (Huston, John; US) - 98 
1948 Unfaithfully Yours [1948] (Sturges, Preston; US) - 789 
1949 Fountainhead, The (Vidor, King; US) - 681 
1949 Gun Crazy (Lewis, Joseph H.; US) - 771 
1949 Heiress, The (Wyler, William; US) - 739 
1949 Kind Hearts and Coronets (Hamer, Robert; UK) - 137 
1949 Late Spring/Banshun (Ozu, Yasujiro; Japan) - 167 
1949 Le Sang des betes/Blood of the Beasts (Franju, Georges; France) - 818 
1949 Les Enfants Terribles (Melville, Jean-Pierre; France) - 785 
1949 Letter to Three Wives, A (Mankiewicz, Joseph L.; US) - 916 
1949 On the Town (Donen, Stanley/Gene Kelly; US) - 514 
1949 Orphee/Orpheus (Cocteau, Jean; France) - 226 
1949 Reckless Moment, The (Ophuls, Max; US) - 471 
1949 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (Ford, John; US) - 513 
1949 Stray Dog (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan) - 632 
1949 Stromboli (Rossellini, Roberto; Italy) - 740 
1949 They Live by Night (Ray, Nicholas; US) - 466 
1949 Third Man, The (Reed, Carol; UK) - 21 
1949 White Heat (Walsh, Raoul; US) - 285 
1950 All About Eve (Mankiewicz, Joseph L.; US) - 72 
1950 Asphalt Jungle, The (Huston, John; US) - 283 
1950 Diary of a Country Priest (Bresson, Robert; France) - 194 
1950 Flowers of St.Francis, The/Francesco, giullare di Dio (Rossellini, Roberto; Italy) - 774 
1950 In a Lonely Place (Ray, Nicholas; US) - 330 
1950 La Ronde (Ophuls, Max; France) - 678 
1950 Los Olvidados/The Young and the Damned (Bunuel, Luis; Mexico) - 112 
1950 Rashomon (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan) - 14 
1950 Rio Grande (Ford, John; US) - 960 
1950 Sunset Blvd. (Wilder, Billy; US) - 28 
1950 Un Chant D'Amour (Genet, Jean; France) - 571 
1950 Wagon Master (Ford, John; US) - 811 
1951 Ace in the Hole/The Big Carnival (Wilder, Billy; US) - 626 
1951 African Queen, The (Huston, John; US) - 384 
1951 Awaara (Kapoor, Raj; India) - 709 
1951 Bellissima (Visconti, Luchino; Italy) - 610 
1951 Day the Earth Stood Still, The (Wise, Robert; US) - 577 
1951 Early Summer (Ozu, Yasujiro; Japan) - 393 
1951 Europa '51/The Greatest Love (Rossellini, Roberto; Italy) - 543 
1951 Forbidden Games/Jeux Interdits (Clement, Rene; France) - 334 
1951 Le Plaisir/House of Pleasure (Ophuls, Max; France) - 298 
1951 Miracle in Milan (De Sica, Vittorio; Italy) - 271 
1951 Miss Oyu/Oyu-sama (Mizoguchi, Kenji; Japan) - 979 
1951 On Dangerous Ground (Ray, Nicholas; US) - 890 
1951 Outcast of the Islands (Reed, Carol; UK) - 863 
1951 Place in the Sun, A (Stevens, George; US) - 446 
1951 River, The [1951] (Renoir, Jean; India) - 509 
1951 Strangers on a Train (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 232 
1951 Tales of Hoffmann, The (Powell, Michael/Emeric Pressburger; UK) - 702 
1951 Thing (From Another World), The (Nyby, Christian/Howard Hawks; US) - 565 
1952 Casque d'or (Becker, Jacques; France) - 331 
1952 El (Bunuel, Luis; Mexico) - 397 
1952 Golden Coach, The/Le Carrosse d'Or (Renoir, Jean; Italy-France) - 421 
1952 High Noon (Zinnemann, Fred; US) - 290 
1952 Hotel des Invalides (Franju, Georges; France) - 880 
1952 Ikiru/To Live/Doomed/Living (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan) - 79 
1952 Life of Oharu, The (Mizoguchi, Kenji; Japan) - 234 
1952 Limelight (Chaplin, Charles; US) - 259 
1952 Othello (Welles, Orson; Italy) - 566 
1952 Quiet Man, The (Ford, John; US) - 251 
1952 Singin' in the Rain (Donen, Stanley/Gene Kelly; US) - 10 
1952 Umberto D. (De Sica, Vittorio; Italy) - 114 
1952 Wages of Fear, The/Le Salaire de la peur (Clouzot, H.G.; France-Italy) - 200 
1953 Band Wagon, The (Minnelli, Vincente; US) - 220 
1953 Big Heat, The (Lang, Fritz; US) - 404 
1953 Earrings of Madame de.../Madame de... (Ophuls, Max; France-Italy) - 65 
1953 End, The (Maclaine, Christopher; US) - 866 
1953 From Here to Eternity (Zinnemann, Fred; US) - 796 
1953 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Hawks, Howard; US) - 557 
1953 Gion Bayashi/A Geisha (Mizoguchi, Kenji; Japan) - 527 
1953 I Vitelloni (Fellini, Federico; Italy) - 351 
1953 Mr. Hulot's Holiday/Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot (Tati, Jacques; France) - 217 
1953 Naked Spur, The (Mann, Anthony; US) - 843 
1953 Pickup on South Street (Fuller, Sam; US) - 936 
1953 Roman Holiday (Wyler, William; US) - 893 
1953 Saga of Anatahan, The/Anatahan (von Sternberg, Josef; Japan) - 808 
1953 Sawdust and Tinsel (Bergman, Ingmar; Sweden) - 380 
1953 Shane (Stevens, George; US) - 241 
1953 Sun Shines Bright, The (Ford, John; US) - 760 
1953 Tokyo Story/Tokyo monogatari (Ozu, Yasujiro; Japan) - 9 
1953 Ugetsu Monogatari (Mizoguchi, Kenji; Japan) - 47 
1953 Voyage in Italy/Viaggio in Italia/Journey to Italy (Rossellini, Roberto; Italy) - 70 
1953 War of the Worlds, The (Haskin, Byron; US) - 842 
1954 Barefoot Contessa, The (Mankiewicz, Joseph L.; US) - 467 
1954 Johnny Guitar (Ray, Nicholas; US) - 415 
1954 La Strada (Fellini, Federico; Italy) - 60 
1954 On the Waterfront (Kazan, Elia; US) - 93 
1954 Rear Window (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 43 
1954 Sansho the Bailiff/Sansho Dayu (Mizoguchi, Kenji; Japan) - 77 
1954 Senso/The Wanton Contessa (Visconti, Luchino; Italy) - 301 
1954 Seven Samurai, The (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan) - 6 
1954 Star is Born, A [1954] (Cukor, George; US) - 268 
1955 All That Heaven Allows (Sirk, Douglas; US) - 252 
1955 Bob Le Flambeur (Melville, Jean-Pierre; France) - 429 
1955 East of Eden (Kazan, Elia; US) - 635 
1955 Floating Clouds/Ukigumo (Naruse, Mikio; Japan) - 245 
1955 French Cancan (Renoir, Jean; France) - 396 
1955 Il Bidone/The Swindlers (Fellini, Federico; Italy) - 787 
1955 Kiss Me Deadly (Aldrich, Robert; US) - 428 
1955 Les Diaboliques/Diabolique (Clouzot, H.G.; France) - 444 
1955 Les Maîtres fous (Rouch, Jean; France) - 522 
1955 Lola Montes/Sins of Lola Montes (Ophuls, Max; France) - 327 
1955 Man From Laramie, The (Mann, Anthony; US) - 484 
1955 Moonfleet (Lang, Fritz; US) - 738 
1955 Night and Fog/Nuit et brouillard (Resnais, Alain; France) - 352 
1955 Night of the Hunter, The (Laughton, Charles; US) - 52 
1955 Ordet (Dreyer, Carl; Denmark) - 38 
1955 Pather Panchali (Ray, Satyajit; India) - 42 
1955 Princess Yang Kwei Fei/Yôkihi/The Empress Yang Kwei Fei (Mizoguchi, Kenji; Japan-Hong Kong) - 422 
1955 Rebel Without a Cause (Ray, Nicholas; US) - 363 
1955 Richard III [1955] (Olivier, Laurence; UK) - 698 
1955 Rififi/Du rififi chez les hommes (Dassin, Jules; France) - 672 
1955 Smiles of a Summer Night (Bergman, Ingmar; Sweden) - 598 
1956 And God Created Woman [1956] (Vadim, Roger; France) - 784 
1956 Aparajito (Ray, Satyajit; India) - 286 
1956 Baby Doll (Kazan, Elia; US) - 409 
1956 Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (Lang, Fritz; US) - 529 
1956 Bigger Than Life (Ray, Nicholas; US) - 338 
1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers [1956] (Siegel, Don; US) - 426 
1956 Kanal (Wajda, Andrzej; Poland) - 983 
1956 Killing, The (Kubrick, Stanley; US) - 602 
1956 Man Escaped, A (Bresson, Robert; France) - 104 
1956 Searchers, The (Ford, John; US) - 8 
1956 Street of Shame (Mizoguchi, Kenji; Japan) - 765 
1956 Ten Commandments, The (De Mille, Cecil B.; US) - 781 
1956 There's Always Tomorrow (Sirk, Douglas; US) - 340 
1956 War and Peace [1956] (Vidor, King; US-Italy) - 526 
1956 While the City Sleeps (Lang, Fritz; US) - 770 
1956 Written on the Wind (Sirk, Douglas; US) - 213 
1957 12 Angry Men (Lumet, Sidney; US) - 437 
1957 Affair to Remember, An (McCarey, Leo; US) - 582 
1957 Bitter Victory (Ray, Nicholas; France) - 934 
1957 Bridge on the River Kwai, The (Lean, David; UK) - 176 
1957 Cranes Are Flying, The (Kalatozishvili, Mikheil; Russia) - 642 
1957 Funny Face (Donen, Stanley; US) - 854 
1957 Lettre De Siberie/Letter from Siberia (Marker, Chris; France) - 587 
1957 Mother India (Khan, Mehboob; India) - 917 
1957 Night of the Demon/Curse of the Demon (Tourneur, Jacques; UK) - 938 
1957 Nights of Cabiria (Fellini, Federico; Italy-France) - 155 
1957 Paths of Glory (Kubrick, Stanley; US) - 195 
1957 Pyaasa (Dutt, Guru; India) - 359 
1957 Seventh Seal, The (Bergman, Ingmar; Sweden) - 35 
1957 Sweet Smell of Success (Mackendrick, Alexander; US) - 142 
1957 Throne of Blood (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan) - 193 
1957 What's Opera, Doc? (Jones, Chuck; US) - 998 
1957 White Nights (Visconti, Luchino; France-Italy) - 613 
1957 Wild Strawberries/Smultronsället (Bergman, Ingmar; Sweden) - 54 
1957 Wings of Eagles, The (Ford, John; US) - 959 
1957 Wrong Man, The (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 710 
1958 Ashes and Diamonds (Wajda, Andrzej; Poland) - 154 
1958 Auntie Mame (DaCosta, Morton; US) - 858 
1958 Big Deal on Madonna Street (Monicelli, Mario; Italy) - 763 
1958 Cairo Station/Bab el hadid (Chahine, Youssef; Egypt) - 978 
1958 Hidden Fortress, The (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan) - 549 
1958 Lovers, The/Les Amants (Malle, Louis; France) - 720 
1958 Man of the West (Mann, Anthony; US) - 614 
1958 Mon Oncle (Tati, Jacques; France) - 390 
1958 Murder by Contract (Lerner, Irving; US) - 759 
1958 Music Room, The/Jalsaghar (Ray, Satyajit; India) - 171 
1958 Nazarin (Bunuel, Luis; Mexico) - 905 
1958 Some Came Running (Minnelli, Vincente; US) - 432 
1958 Tarnished Angels, The (Sirk, Douglas; US) - 498 
1958 Tiger of Eschnapur, The/The Tiger of Bengal (Lang, Fritz; Germany) - 539 
1958 Touch of Evil (Welles, Orson; US) - 20 
1958 Vertigo (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 3 
1959 400 Blows, The/Les Quatre Cents Coups (Truffaut, Francois; France) - 46 
1959 Anatomy of a Murder (Preminger, Otto; US) - 636 
1959 Ben-Hur [1959] (Wyler, William; US) - 353 
1959 Black Orpheus (Camus, Marcel; Brazil-France) - 736 
1959 Breathless/A Bout de Souffle (Godard, Jean-Luc; France) - 32 
1959 Eyes Without a Face/Les Yeux sans visage (Franju, Georges; France-Italy) - 291 
1959 Floating Weeds/Ukigusa (Ozu, Yasujiro; Japan) - 762 
1959 Hiroshima, Mon Amour (Resnais, Alain; France-Japan) - 110 
1959 Imitation of Life (Sirk, Douglas; US) - 230 
1959 Journey to the Lost City/The Indian Tomb (Lang, Fritz; France-Italy-West Germany) - 746 
1959 Kaagaz Ke Phool/Paper Flowers (Dutt, Guru; India) - 631 
1959 Lady with the Little Dog, The (Kheifits, Iosif; Russia) - 933 
1959 Le Trou/Hole, The (Becker, Jacques; France-Italy) - 797 
1959 North by Northwest (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 64 
1959 Pickpocket (Bresson, Robert; France) - 69 
1959 Ride Lonesome (Boetticher, Budd; US) - 930 
1959 Rio Bravo (Hawks, Howard; US) - 67 
1959 Shadows (Cassavetes, John; US) - 304 
1959 Some Like it Hot (Wilder, Billy; US) - 31 
1959 Tingler, The (Castle, William; US) - 474 
1959 World of Apu, The (Ray, Satyajit; India) - 162 
1960 Apartment, The (Wilder, Billy; US) - 87 
1960 Chronicle of a Summer/Chronique d'un Ete (Rouch, Jean & Edgar Morin; France) - 790 
1960 Cloud-Capped Star/Meghe Dhaka Tara (Ghatak, Ritwik; India) - 405 
1960 La Dolce Vita (Fellini, Federico; Italy) - 23 
1960 L'Avventura (Antonioni, Michelangelo; Italy-France) - 29 
1960 Magnificent Seven, The (Sturges, John; US) - 492 
1960 Mughal-E-Azam (Asif, K.; India) - 920 
1960 Peeping Tom (Powell, Michael; UK) - 258 
1960 Psycho [1960] (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 30 
1960 Rocco and His Brothers (Visconti, Luchino; Italy-France) - 185 
1960 Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Reisz, Karel; UK) - 478 
1960 Shoot the Piano Player/Tirez sur le pianiste (Truffaut, Francois; France) - 235 
1960 Spartacus (Kubrick, Stanley; US) - 416 
1960 Woman Is a Woman, A/Une Femme est une Femme (Godard, Jean-Luc; France) - 918 
1961 Accattone (Pasolini, Pier Paolo; Italy) - 374 
1961 Breakfast at Tiffany's (Edwards, Blake; US) - 733 
1961 End of Summer, The/Kohayagawa-ke no aki/Early Autumn (Ozu, Yasujiro; Japan) - 857 
1961 Hustler, The (Rossen, Robert; US) - 463 
1961 Il Posto/The Job/The Sound of Trumpets (Olmi, Ermanno; Italy) - 780 
1961 Innocents, The (Clayton, Jack; UK) - 581 
1961 Jules et Jim (Truffaut, Francois; France) - 33 
1961 La Notte (Antonioni, Michelangelo; France-Italy) - 152 
1961 Last Year at Marienbad (Resnais, Alain; France-Italy) - 90 
1961 Lola [1961] (Demy, Jacques; France) - 329 
1961 Misfits, The (Huston, John; US) - 517 
1961 One, Two, Three (Wilder, Billy; US) - 955 
1961 Salvatore Giuliano (Rosi, Francesco; Italy) - 269 
1961 Splendor in the Grass (Kazan, Elia; US) - 714 
1961 Viridiana (Bunuel, Luis; Spain) - 85 
1961 West Side Story (Wise, Robert/Jerome Robbins; US) - 275 
1961 Yojimbo (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan) - 354 
1962 Actor's Revenge, An (Ichikawa, Kon; Japan) - 510 
1962 Autumn Afternoon, An (Ozu, Yasujiro; Japan) - 361 
1962 Cleo from 5 to 7 (Varda, Agnes; France) - 520 
1962 Exterminating Angel, The (Bunuel, Luis; Mexico) - 145 
1962 Hara Kiri (Kobayashi, Masaki; Japan) - 898 
1962 Hatari! (Hawks, Howard; US) - 963 
1962 Heaven and Earth Magic/No. 12 (Smith, Harry; US) - 618 
1962 Ivan's Childhood/My Name is Ivan (Tarkovsky, Andrei; Russia) - 389 
1962 La Jetee/The Jetty/The Pier (Marker, Chris; France) - 187 
1962 Lawrence of Arabia (Lean, David; UK) - 18 
1962 L'Eclisse/Eclipse (Antonioni, Michelangelo; France-Italy) - 138 
1962 Lolita [1962] (Kubrick, Stanley; UK) - 606 
1962 Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The (Richardson, Tony; UK) - 676 
1962 Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The (Ford, John; US) - 97 
1962 Ride the High Country (Peckinpah, Sam; US) - 413 
1962 To Kill a Mockingbird (Mulligan, Robert; US) - 253 
1962 Winter Light (Bergman, Ingmar; Sweden) - 420 
1963 8½ (Fellini, Federico; Italy) - 5 
1963 America, America (Kazan, Elia; US) - 801 
1963 Barren Lives/Vidas Secas (Dos Santos, Nelson Pereira; Brazil) - 483 
1963 Big City, The/Mahanagar (Ray, Satyajit; India) - 847 
1963 Birds, The (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 289 
1963 Charade (Donen, Stanley; US) - 910 
1963 Contempt/Le Mepris (Godard, Jean-Luc; France-Italy) - 45 
1963 Flaming Creatures (Smith, Jack; US) - 827 
1963 Great Escape, The (Sturges, John; US) - 495 
1963 High and Low (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan) - 280 
1963 Leopard, The (Visconti, Luchino; France-Italy) - 91 
1963 Muriel (Resnais, Alain; France-Italy) - 468 
1963 Organiser, The/I Compagni (Monicelli, Mario; Italy) - 612 
1963 Servant, The (Losey, Joseph; UK) - 410 
1963 Shock Corridor (Fuller, Sam; US) - 721 
1963 Silence, The/Tystnaden (Bergman, Ingmar; Sweden) - 414 
1963 Trial, The (Welles, Orson; France-Germany-Italy) - 943 
1963 Vivre sa Vie/My Life to Live (Godard, Jean-Luc; France) - 107 
1964 Art of Vision, The (Brakhage, Stan; US) - 596 
1964 Bande a part/Band of Outsiders (Godard, Jean-Luc; France) - 457 
1964 Before the Revolution (Bertolucci, Bernardo; Italy) - 993 
1964 Black God, White Devil (Rocha, Glauber; Brazil) - 287 
1964 Charulata/The Lonely Wife (Ray, Satyajit; India) - 264 
1964 Diamonds of the Night (Nemec, Jan; Czechoslovakia) - 744 
1964 Dog Star Man (Brakhage, Stan; US) - 525 
1964 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Kubrick, Stanley; UK) - 34 
1964 Gertrud (Dreyer, Carl; Denmark) - 106 
1964 Gospel According to St. Matthew, The (Pasolini, Pier Paolo; France-Italy) - 139 
1964 Hard Day's Night, A (Lester, Richard; UK) - 314 
1964 I Am Cuba/Ya - Cuba/Soy Cuba (Kalatozishvili, Mikheil; USSR-Cuba) - 688 
1964 Intentions of Murder/Unholy Desire (Imamura, Shohei; Japan) - 675 
1964 Marnie (Hitchcock, Alfred; US) - 244 
1964 Red Desert/Il deserto rosso (Antonioni, Michelangelo; France-Italy) - 402 
1964 Saragossa Manuscript, The (Has, Wojciech; Poland) - 839 
1964 Scorpio Rising (Anger, Kenneth; US) - 433 
1964 Seduced and Abandoned (Germi, Pietro; Italy) - 976 
1964 Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors (Parajanov, Sergei; USSR) - 546 
1964 Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The (Demy, Jacques; France-Germany) - 228 
1964 Woman in the Dunes (Teshigahara, Hiroshi; Japan) - 792 
1965 Alphaville (Godard, Jean-Luc; France) - 439 
1965 Battle of Algiers, The (Pontecorvo, Gillo; Algeria-Italy) - 134 
1965 Blonde in Love, A/Loves of a Blonde (Forman, Milos; Czechoslovakia) - 328 
1965 Doctor Zhivago (Lean, David; US) - 594 
1965 Intimate Lighting (Passer, Ivan; Czechoslovakia) - 728 
1965 Juliet of the Spirits (Fellini, Federico; Italy) - 705 
1965 Not Reconciled/Nicht Versohnt (Straub, Jean-Marie; West Germany) - 699 
1965 Of a Thousand Delights/Vaghe stelle dell'Orsa (Visconti, Luchino; Italy) - 683 
1965 Pierrot le fou (Godard, Jean-Luc; France-Italy) - 75 
1965 Red Beard (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan) - 503 
1965 Repulsion (Polanski, Roman; UK) - 307 
1965 Round-Up, The (Jancso, Miklos; Hungary) - 685 
1965 Shop on Main Street, The (Kadar, Jan & Elmar Klos; Czechoslovakia) - 686 
1965 Sound of Music, The (Wise, Robert; US) - 401 
1966 Andrei Rublev (Tarkovsky, Andrei; Russia) - 36 
1966 Au Hasard, Balthazar/Balthazar (Bresson, Robert; France) - 49 
1966 Blow-Up (Antonioni, Michelangelo; Italy-UK) - 233 
1966 Branded to Kill (Suzuki, Seijun; Japan) - 657 
1966 Chimes at Midnight/Falstaff (Welles, Orson; Spain-Switzerland) - 102 
1966 Closely Watched Trains/Closely Observed Trains (Menzel, Jiri; Czechoslovakia) - 372 
1966 Cul-De-Sac (Polanski, Roman; UK) - 795 
1966 Daisies/Sedmikrasky (Chytilova, Vera; Czechoslovakia) - 567 
1966 Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (Meyer, Russ; US) - 482 
1966 Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, The (Leone, Sergio; Italy-Spain) - 182 
1966 Hawks and the Sparrows, The (Pasolini, Pier Paolo; Italy) - 619 
1966 Hold Me While I'm Naked (Kuchar, George; US) - 611 
1966 La Collectionneuse/The Collector (Rohmer, Eric; France) - 962 
1966 Masculin Feminin (Godard, Jean-Luc; France-Sweden) - 267 
1966 Mouchette (Bresson, Robert; France) - 207 
1966 Persona (Bergman, Ingmar; Sweden) - 41 
1966 Rise to Power of Louis XIV, The (Rossellini, Roberto; France) - 300 
1966 Second Breath/Le Deuxieme souffle (Melville, Jean-Pierre; France) - 980 
1966 Seven Women (Ford, John; US) - 545 
1966 Two or Three Things I Know About Her (Godard, Jean-Luc; France) - 135 
1966 Unsere Afrikareise (Kubelka, Peter; Austria) - 881 
1967 Belle de Jour (Bunuel, Luis; France-Italy) - 144 
1967 Bonnie and Clyde (Penn, Arthur; US) - 151 
1967 Chelsea Girls (Warhol, Andy; US) - 385 
1967 Cool Hand Luke (Rosenberg, Stuart; US) - 908 
1967 Don't Look Back (Pennebaker, D.A.; US) - 460 
1967 Firemen's Ball, The (Forman, Milos; Czechoslovakia) - 448 
1967 Graduate, The (Nichols, Mike; US) - 256 
1967 Hour of the Wolf (Bergman, Ingmar; Sweden) - 572 
1967 I Am Curious (Yellow) (Sjoman, Vilgot; Sweden) - 925 
1967 In Cold Blood (Brooks, Richard; US) - 615 
1967 Le Samourai (Melville, Jean-Pierre; France) - 302 
1967 Marketa Lazarova (Vlacil, Frantisek; Czechoslovakia) - 919 
1967 Oedipus Rex (Pasolini, Pier Paolo; Italy) - 828 
1967 Playtime (Tati, Jacques; France) - 74 
1967 Point Blank (Boorman, John; US) - 481 
1967 Red and the White, The (Jancso, Miklos; Hungary-USSR) - 732 
1967 Terra em Transe/Land in Anguish (Rocha, Glauber; Brazil) - 342 
1967 Titicut Follies (Wiseman, Frederick; US) - 799 
1967 War and Peace [1967] (Bondarchuk, Sergei; Russia) - 816 
1967 Wavelength (Snow, Michael; Canada) - 337 
1967 Weekend (Godard, Jean-Luc; France-Italy) - 184 
1967 Young Girls of Rochefort, The (Demy, Jacques; France) - 257 
1968 2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick, Stanley; UK) - 4 
1968 Faces (Cassavetes, John; US) - 403 
1968 Hour of the Furnaces, The (Getino, Octavio & Fernando E. Solanas; Argentina) - 521 
1968 if... (Anderson, Lindsay; UK) - 554 
1968 L'Amour Fou (Rivette, Jacques; France) - 945 
1968 L'Enfance nue/Naked Childhood (Pialat, Maurice; France) - 830 
1968 Memories of Underdevelopment (Alea, Tomas Gutierrez; Cuba) - 325 
1968 Night of the Living Dead (Romero, George A.; US) - 303 
1968 Once Upon a Time in the West (Leone, Sergio; Italy-US) - 81 
1968 Producers, The (Brooks, Mel; US) - 523 
1968 Rosemary's Baby (Polanski, Roman; US) - 255 
1968 Salesman (Maysles, Albert/David Maysles/Charlotte Zwerin; US) - 491 
1968 Signs of Life/Lebenszeichen (Herzog, Werner; Germany) - 836 
1968 Swimmer, The (Perry, Frank; US) - 694 
1968 Teorema/Theorem (Pasolini, Pier Paolo; Italy) - 639 
1968 Touch of Zen, A (Hu, King; Taiwan) - 391 
1969 Antonio das Mortes (Rocha, Glauber; Brazil) - 447 
1969 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Hill, George Roy; US) - 537 
1969 Colour of Pomegranate, The/Sayat Nova (Parajanov, Sergei; USSR) - 370 
1969 Conformist, The (Bertolucci, Bernardo; Italy-France-Germany) - 56 
1969 Damned, The (Visconti, Luchino; Italy-West Germany) - 940 
1969 Days and Nights in the Forest (Ray, Satyajit; India) - 914 
1969 Fellini Satyricon/Satyricon (Fellini, Federico; Italy) - 312 
1969 Kes (Loach, Ken; UK) - 427 
1969 Midnight Cowboy (Schlesinger, John; US) - 306 
1969 My Night with Maud/My Night at Maud's (Rohmer, Eric; France) - 261 
1969 Tom, Tom the Piper's Son (Jacobs, Ken; US) - 629 
1969 Wild Bunch, The (Peckinpah, Sam; US) - 59 
1969 Wild Child, The/L'Enfant sauvage (Truffaut, Francois; France) - 767 
1970 Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (Meyer, Russ; US) - 532 
1970 Dodes'ka-den (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan) - 634 
1970 Five Easy Pieces (Rafelson, Bob; US) - 288 
1970 Hart of London, The (Chambers, Jack; Canada) - 367 
1970 Husbands (Cassavetes, John; US) - 661 
1970 Performance (Roeg, Nicolas/Donald Cammell; UK) - 172 
1970 Scenes from Under Childhood (Brakhage, Stan; US) - 569 
1970 Sorrow and the Pity, The (Ophuls, Marcel; France-Switzerland-Germany) - 731 
1970 Spider's Stratagem, The (Bertolucci, Bernardo; Italy) - 748 
1970 Tristana (Bunuel, Luis; France-Spain) - 281 
1970 Zorn's Lemma (Frampton, Hollis; US) - 659 
1971 Act of Seeing with One's Own Eyes, The (Brakhage, Stan; US) - 935 
1971 Canterbury Tales, The (Pasolini, Pier Paolo; France-Italy) - 985 
1971 Ceremony, The/Gishiki (Oshima, Nagisa; Japan) - 987 
1971 Claire's Knee (Rohmer, Eric; France) - 487 
1971 Clockwork Orange, A (Kubrick, Stanley; UK) - 82 
1971 Clowns, The (Fellini, Federico; Italy) - 752 
1971 Death in Venice (Visconti, Luchino; Italy) - 214 
1971 Devils, The (Russell, Ken; UK) - 418 
1971 El Topo (Jodorowsky, Alexandro; Mexico) - 822 
1971 Get Carter (Hodges, Mike; UK) - 419 
1971 Johnny Got His Gun (Trumbo, Dalton; US) - 725 
1971 La Region centrale (Snow, Michael; Canada) - 388 
1971 Land of Silence and Darkness (Herzog, Werner; West Germany) - 813 
1971 Last Picture Show, The (Bogdanovich, Peter; US) - 399 
1971 McCabe and Mrs. Miller (Altman, Robert; US) - 123 
1971 Straw Dogs (Peckinpah, Sam; US) - 555 
1971 Two-Lane Blacktop (Hellman, Monte; US) - 625 
1971 W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism (Makavejev, Dusan; Yugoslavia) - 648 
1971 Walkabout (Roeg, Nicolas; Australia) - 603 
1972 Aguirre: The Wrath of God (Herzog, Werner; Germany) - 86 
1972 Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant, The (Fassbinder, R.W.; Germany) - 576 
1972 Cabaret (Fosse, Bob; US) - 345 
1972 Cries and Whispers (Bergman, Ingmar; Sweden) - 166 
1972 Deliverance (Boorman, John; US) - 282 
1972 Devil in Miss Jones, The (Damiano, Gerard; US) - 877 
1972 Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The (Bunuel, Luis; France) - 111 
1972 Fat City (Huston, John; US) - 621 
1972 Fellini's Roma/Roma (Fellini, Federico; Italy) - 564 
1972 Four Nights of a Dreamer (Bresson, Robert; France) - 814 
1972 Godfather, The (Coppola, Francis; US) - 7 
1972 Harold and Maude (Ashby, Hal; US) - 486 
1972 Out 1: Spectre (Rivette, Jacques; France) - 435 
1972 Pakeezah (Amrohi, Kamal; India) - 563 
1972 Pink Flamingos (Waters, John; US) - 867 
1972 Solaris [1972] (Tarkovsky, Andrei; Russia) - 205 
1973 Amarcord (Fellini, Federico; Italy) - 108 
1973 American Graffiti (Lucas, George; US) - 568 
1973 Badlands (Malick, Terrence; US) - 178 
1973 Charley Varrick (Siegel, Don; US) - 975 
1973 Day for Night/La Nuit americaine (Truffaut, Francois; France) - 270 
1973 Don't Look Now (Roeg, Nicolas; UK) - 173 
1973 Exorcist, The (Friedkin, William; US) - 181 
1973 F for Fake (Welles, Orson; France-Iran-West Germany) - 326 
1973 Last Tango in Paris (Bertolucci, Bernardo; France-Italy) - 203 
1973 Long Goodbye, The (Altman, Robert; US) - 674 
1973 Ludwig (Visconti, Luchino; France-Germany-Italy) - 392 
1973 Mattei Affair, The/L'Affaire Mattei (Rosi, Francesco; Italy) - 706 
1973 Mean Streets (Scorsese, Martin; US) - 127 
1973 Mother and the Whore, The/La Maman et la putain (Eustache, Jean; France) - 197 
1973 O Lucky Man! (Anderson, Lindsay; UK) - 600 
1973 Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (Peckinpah, Sam; US) - 737 
1973 Scenes from a Marriage (Bergman, Ingmar; Sweden) - 604 
1973 Spirit of the Beehive/El Espíritu de la Colmena (Erice, Victor; Spain) - 274 
1973 Sting, The (Hill, George Roy; US) - 650 
1973 Touki Bouki (Mambety, Djibril Diop; Senegal) - 923 
1973 Way We Were, The (Pollack, Sydney; US) - 775 
1973 Wicker Man, The (Hardy, Robin; UK) - 690 
1974 Alice in the Cities (Wenders, Wim; Germany) - 453 
1974 Arabian Nights (Pasolini, Pier Paolo; France-Italy) - 668 
1974 Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (Peckinpah, Sam; US) - 346 
1974 Celine and Julie Go Boating (Rivette, Jacques; France) - 124 
1974 Chinatown (Polanski, Roman; US) - 50 
1974 Conversation, The (Coppola, Francis; US) - 192 
1974 Fear Eats the Soul (Fassbinder, R.W.; Germany) - 196 
1974 Fortune, The (Nichols, Mike; US) - 658 
1974 Godfather Part II, The (Coppola, Francis; US) - 15 
1974 Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner, The (Herzog, Werner; West Germany) - 947 
1974 India Song (Duras, Marguerite; France) - 417 
1974 Lacombe, Lucien (Malle, Louis; France) - 443 
1974 Lancelot du Lac/Lancelot of the Lake (Bresson, Robert; France-Italy) - 318 
1974 Parallax View, The (Pakula, Alan J.; US) - 939 
1974 Phantom of Liberty, The (Bunuel, Luis; France) - 548 
1974 Stavisky (Resnais, Alain; France-Italy) - 729 
1974 Still Life/Tabiate bijan (Saless, Sohrab Shahid; Iran) - 719 
1974 Sweet Movie (Makavejev, Dusan; France-Canada-West Germany) - 852 
1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (Hooper, Tobe; US) - 227 
1974 Text of Light (Brakhage, Stan; US) - 815 
1974 Woman Under the Influence, A (Cassavetes, John; US) - 149 
1974 Xala (Sembene, Ousmane; Senegal) - 441 
1975 Barry Lyndon (Kubrick, Stanley; UK) - 78 
1975 Dersu Uzala (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan-Russia) - 560 
1975 Dog Day Afternoon (Lumet, Sidney; US) - 496 
1975 Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, The/Every Man for Himself and God Against All (Herzog, Werner; Germany) - 357 
1975 Jaws (Spielberg, Steven; US) - 186 
1975 Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (Akerman, Chantal; Belgium-France) - 131 
1975 Jingi no hakaba/Graveyard of Honor and Humanity/Death of Honor (Fukasaku, Kinji; Japan) - 944 
1975 Love and Death (Allen, Woody; US) - 751 
1975 Man Who Would Be King, The (Huston, John; US) - 707 
1975 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Gilliam, Terry/Terry Jones; UK) - 358 
1975 Nashville (Altman, Robert; US) - 58 
1975 Night Moves (Penn, Arthur; US) - 994 
1975 Numero Deux (Godard, Jean-Luc; France) - 804 
1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Forman, Milos; US) - 158 
1975 Passenger, The (Antonioni, Michelangelo; Italy) - 247 
1975 Picnic at Hanging Rock (Weir, Peter; Australia) - 708 
1975 Rocky Horror Picture Show, The (Sharman, Jim; UK) - 970 
1975 Salo, or The 120 Days of Sodom (Pasolini, Pier Paolo; Italy) - 243 
1975 Travelling Players, The/O Thiassos (Angelopoulos, Theo; Greece) - 169 
1976 1900/Novecento (Bertolucci, Bernardo; France-Germany-Italy) - 250 
1976 Ascent, The/Voskhozhdeniye (Shepitko, Larisa; USSR) - 750 
1976 Carrie [1976] (De Palma, Brian; US) - 369 
1976 Ceddo (Sembene, Ousmane; Senegal) - 535 
1976 Fellini's Casanova (Fellini, Federico; Italy) - 350 
1976 Harlan County, U.S.A. (Kopple, Barbara; US) - 901 
1976 In the Realm of the Senses/Ai No Corrida (Oshima, Nagisa; France-Japan) - 254 
1976 Killing of a Chinese Bookie, The (Cassavetes, John; US) - 454 
1976 Kings of the Road/Im Lauf der Zeit (Wenders, Wim; Germany) - 240 
1976 Man Who Fell to Earth, The (Roeg, Nicolas; UK) - 377 
1976 Marquise of O, The (Rohmer, Eric; France-Germany) - 856 
1976 Mirror, The/Zerkalo (Tarkovsky, Andrei; Russia) - 61 
1976 Network (Lumet, Sidney; US) - 293 
1976 Rocky (Avildsen, John G.; US) - 605 
1976 Slave of Love, A (Mikhalkov, Nikita; USSR) - 703 
1976 Taxi Driver (Scorsese, Martin; US) - 40 
1976 Tenant, The (Polanski, Roman; France-US) - 617 
1977 Annie Hall (Allen, Woody; US) - 146 
1977 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Spielberg, Steven; US) - 249 
1977 Hitler, a Film From Germany (Syberberg, Hans-Jurgen; West Germany) - 540 
1977 Killer of Sheep (Burnett, Charles; US) - 470 
1977 Opening Night (Cassavetes, John; US) - 845 
1977 Providence (Resnais, Alain; UK) - 305 
1977 Special Day, A (Scola, Ettore; Canada-Italy) - 757 
1977 Star Wars (Lucas, George; US) - 118 
1977 Suspiria (Argento, Dario; Italy) - 505 
1977 That Obscure Object of Desire (Bunuel, Luis; France-Spain) - 322 
1978 Dawn of the Dead (Romero, George A.; US) - 319 
1978 Days of Heaven (Malick, Terrence; US) - 177 
1978 Deer Hunter, The (Cimino, Michael; US) - 273 
1978 Eraserhead (Lynch, David; US) - 544 
1978 Halloween (Carpenter, John; US) - 479 
1978 In a Year with 13 Moons (Fassbinder, R.W.; West Germany) - 317 
1978 Marriage of Maria Braun, The (Fassbinder, R.W.; Germany) - 534 
1978 National Lampoon's Animal House (Landis, John; US) - 680 
1978 Perceval (Rohmer, Eric; France) - 753 
1978 Superman (Donner, Richard; US) - 782 
1978 Tree of Wooden Clogs, The (Olmi, Ermanno; Italy) - 231 
1979 Alien (Scott, Ridley; US) - 335 
1979 All That Jazz (Fosse, Bob; US) - 547 
1979 Apocalypse Now (Coppola, Francis; US) - 39 
1979 Being There (Ashby, Hal; US) - 747 
1979 Luna (Bertolucci, Bernardo; US) - 984 
1979 Manhattan (Allen, Woody; US) - 161 
1979 Monty Python's Life of Brian (Jones, Terry; UK) - 425 
1979 Stalker (Tarkovsky, Andrei; Russia) - 113 
1979 Tin Drum, The (Schlondorff, Volker; Germany) - 669 
1979 Vengeance is Mine (Imamura, Shohei; Japan) - 961 
1980 Age of the Earth, The (Rocha, Glauber; Brazil) - 875 
1980 Airplane!/Flying High (Abrahams, Jim/David Zucker/Jerry Zucker; US) - 786 
1980 Atlantic City (Malle, Louis; Canada-France) - 946 
1980 Berlin Alexanderplatz (Fassbinder, R.W.; Germany) - 209 
1980 Elephant Man, The (Lynch, David; US) - 533 
1980 Empire Strikes Back, The (Kershner, Irvin; US) - 336 
1980 Every Man for Himself/Slow Motion/Sauve qui peut (la vie) (Godard, Jean-Luc; France-Switzerland) - 580 
1980 Heaven's Gate (Cimino, Michael; US) - 511 
1980 Inferno [1980] (Argento, Dario; Italy) - 755 
1980 Kagemusha (Kurosawa, Akira; Japan) - 451 
1980 Mon Oncle d'Amerique (Resnais, Alain; France) - 499 
1980 Ordinary People (Redford, Robert; US) - 952 
1980 Raging Bull (Scorsese, Martin; US) - 16 
1980 Shining, The (Kubrick, Stanley; US) - 204 
1981 Blow Out (De Palma, Brian; US) - 700 
1981 Do You Remember Dolly Bell? (Kusturica, Emir; Yugoslavia) - 926 
1981 French Lieutenant's Woman, The (Reisz, Karel; UK) - 971 
1981 Gregory's Girl (Forsyth, Bill; UK) - 783 
1981 Mad Max 2/The Road Warrior (Miller, George; Australia) - 455 
1981 Mephisto (Szabo, Istvan; Hungary) - 951 
1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark (Spielberg, Steven; US) - 225 
1981 Reds (Beatty, Warren; US) - 379 
1981 Too Early, Too Late (Straub, Jean-Marie & Daniele Huillet; Germany) - 911 
1981 Woman Next Door, The/La Femme d'à côté (Truffaut, Francois; France) - 630 
1982 Blade Runner (Scott, Ridley; US) - 68 
1982 Blind Chance/Przypadek (Kieslowski, Krszystof; Poland) - 829 
1982 Diner (Levinson, Barry; US) - 551 
1982 E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (Spielberg, Steven; US) - 163 
1982 Fanny and Alexander (Bergman, Ingmar; Sweden) - 62 
1982 Fitzcarraldo (Herzog, Werner; West Germany) - 516 
1982 Gandhi (Attenborough, Richard; India-UK) - 608 
1982 Missing (Costa-Gavras, Constantin; US) - 788 
1982 Night of the Shooting Stars, The (Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani; Italy) - 609 
1982 Passion/La Passion (Godard, Jean-Luc; France-Switzerland) - 360 
1982 Reassemblage (Trinh, T. Minhy-ha; US) - 805 
1982 Thing, The (Carpenter, John; US) - 812 
1982 Three Crowns of the Sailor (Ruiz, Raul; France-Chile) - 716 
1982 Veronika Voss (Fassbinder, R.W.; Germany) - 982 
1982 Yol (Goren, Serif; Switzerland-Turkey) - 889 
1983 King of Comedy, The (Scorsese, Martin; US) - 411 
1983 L'Argent/Money (Bresson, Robert; France-Switzerland) - 210 
1983 Local Hero (Forsyth, Bill; UK) - 528 
1983 Meantime [TV] (Leigh, Mike; UK) - 696 
1983 Nostalghia/Nostalgia (Tarkovsky, Andrei; Italy) - 406 
1983 Sans Soleil/Sunless (Marker, Chris; France) - 313 
1983 Scarface [1983] (De Palma, Brian; US) - 741 
1983 Sugar Cane Alley/La Rue Cases-Nègres (Palcy, Euzhan; France) - 735 
1983 Tender Mercies (Beresford, Bruce; US) - 578 
1983 Videodrome (Cronenberg, David; Canada) - 558 
1984 Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, The (Richter, W.D.; US) - 931 
1984 Amadeus (Forman, Milos; US) - 320 
1984 And the Ship Sails On (Fellini, Federico; Italy-France) - 849 
1984 Blood Simple (Coen, Joel; US) - 627 
1984 Broadway Danny Rose (Allen, Woody; US) - 894 
1984 Ghostbusters (Reitman, Ivan; US) - 821 
1984 Heimat (Reitz, Edgar; Germany) - 861 
1984 Love Streams (Cassavetes, John; US) - 347 
1984 Nightmare on Elm Street, A (Craven, Wes; US) - 958 
1984 Once Upon a Time in America (Leone, Sergio; US) - 147 
1984 Paris, Texas (Wenders, Wim; US) - 386 
1984 Stranger Than Paradise (Jarmusch, Jim; US) - 531 
1984 Sunday in the Country, A (Tavernier, Bertrand; France) - 906 
1984 Taipei Story (Yang, Edward; Taiwan-Japan) - 653 
1984 Terminator, The (Cameron, James; US) - 308 
1984 This is Spinal Tap (Reiner, Rob; US) - 362 
1984 Yellow Earth/Huang Tudi (Chen Kaige; China) - 519 
1985 Back to the Future (Zemeckis, Robert; US) - 456 
1985 Brazil (Gilliam, Terry; UK) - 175 
1985 Come and See (Klimov, Elem; Russia) - 398 
1985 Day of the Dead (Romero, George A.; US) - 833 
1985 Hail Mary/Je Vous salue, Marie (Godard, Jean-Luc; France-Switzerland) - 838 
1985 Hour of the Star, The/A Hora da Estrela (Amaral, Suzana; Brazil) - 777 
1985 Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (Schrader, Paul; US) - 942 
1985 My Life as a Dog (Hallstrom, Lasse; Sweden) - 497 
1985 No End/Bez konca (Kieslowski, Krszystof; Poland) - 927 
1985 Official Story, The (Puenzo, Luis; Argentina) - 724 
1985 Purple Rose of Cairo, The (Allen, Woody; US) - 512 
1985 Ran (Kurosawa, Akira; France-Japan) - 116 
1985 Shoah (Lanzmann, Claude; France) - 121 
1985 Time to Live and the Time to Die, The (Hou Hsiao-Hsien; Taiwan) - 237 
1985 Vagabond/Sans Tolt ni Loi (Varda, Agnes; France) - 651 
1986 Aliens (Cameron, James; US) - 315 
1986 Blue Velvet (Lynch, David; US) - 89 
1986 Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Hughes, John; US) - 722 
1986 Green Ray, The/Summer/Le Rayon Vert (Rohmer, Eric; France) - 778 
1986 Mauvais Sang/Bad Blood (Carax, Leos; France) - 986 
1986 Platoon (Stone, Oliver; US) - 851 
1986 Sacrifice, The (Tarkovsky, Andrei; France-Sweden) - 373 
1986 Sherman's March (McElwee, Ross; US) - 922 
1987 Akira (Otomo, Katsuhiro; Japan) - 817 
1987 Dead, The [1987] (Huston, John; US) - 585 
1987 Dekalog/Decalogue (Kieslowski, Krszystof; Poland) - 92 
1987 Emperor's Naked Army Marches On, The (Hara, Kazuo; Japan) - 339 
1987 Evil Dead II (Raimi, Sam; US) - 871 
1987 Full Metal Jacket (Kubrick, Stanley; US) - 494 
1987 Hope and Glory (Boorman, John; UK) - 628 
1987 Hotel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie (Ophuls, Marcel; US) - 395 
1987 House of Games (Mamet, David; US) - 882 
1987 Last Emperor, The (Bertolucci, Bernardo; China-Italy-UK) - 932 
1987 Matewan (Sayles, John; US) - 981 
1987 Princess Bride, The (Reiner, Rob; US) - 654 
1987 Raising Arizona (Coen, Joel; US) - 841 
1987 Red Sorghum (Zhang Yimou; China) - 671 
1987 Short Film About Killing, A (Kieslowski, Krszystof; Poland) - 485 
1987 Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (Haynes, Todd; US) - 954 
1987 Where is the Friend's Home? (Kiarostami, Abbas; Iran) - 646 
1987 Wings of Desire (Wenders, Wim; France-West Germany) - 215 
1987 Withnail & I (Robinson, Bruce; UK) - 649 
1987 Yeelen/Brightness (Cisse, Souleymane; Mali) - 844 
1988 Cinema Paradiso (Tornatore, Giuseppe; Italy-France) - 473 
1988 Days of Eclipse, The/Dni zatmeniya (Sokurov, Aleksandr; USSR) - 967 
1988 Dead Ringers (Cronenberg, David; Canada) - 333 
1988 Die Hard (McTiernan, John; US) - 536 
1988 Distant Voices, Still Lives (Davies, Terence; UK) - 477 
1988 Fish Called Wanda, A (Crichton, Charles; UK) - 638 
1988 Landscape in the Mist (Angelopoulos, Theo; Greece-France-Italy) - 607 
1988 Last Temptation of Christ, The (Scorsese, Martin; US) - 874 
1988 My Neighbor Totoro (Miyazaki, Hayao; Japan) - 458 
1988 Rain Man (Levinson, Barry; US) - 823 
1988 Short Film About Love, A (Kieslowski, Krszystof; Poland) - 899 
1988 Tale of the Wind, A/Une histoire de vent (Ivens, Joris; France) - 742 
1988 Thin Blue Line, The (Morris, Errol; US) - 723 
1988 Vanishing, The/Spoorloos (Sluizer, George; Netherlands-France) - 870 
1988 Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (Zemeckis, Robert; US) - 915 
1989 City of Sadness, A (Hou Hsiao-Hsien; Taiwan) - 265 
1989 Close-Up/Namayeh Nazdik (Kiarostami, Abbas; Iran) - 153 
1989 Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, The (Greenaway, Peter; France-Netherlands) - 662 
1989 Crimes and Misdemeanors (Allen, Woody; US) - 188 
1989 Do the Right Thing (Lee, Spike; US) - 222 
1989 For All Mankind (Reinert, Al; US) - 948 
1989 Homework/Mashgh-e Shab (Kiarostami, Abbas; Iran) - 682 
1989 Killer, The (Woo, John; Hong Kong) - 749 
1989 Time of the Gypsies (Kusturica, Emir; Yugoslavia) - 793 
1989 When Harry Met Sally... (Reiner, Rob; US) - 803 
1990 Angel at My Table, An (Campion, Jane; New Zealand) - 769 
1990 Bullet in the Head (Woo, John; Hong Kong) - 988 
1990 Dances with Wolves (Costner, Kevin; US) - 900 
1990 Days of Being Wild (Wong Kar-Wai; Hong Kong) - 713 
1990 Edward Scissorhands (Burton, Tim; US) - 677 
1990 Godfather Part III, The (Coppola, Francis; US) - 562 
1990 GoodFellas (Scorsese, Martin; US) - 95 
1990 Jacob's Ladder (Lyne, Adrian; US) - 953 
1990 Miller's Crossing (Coen, Joel; US) - 616 
1990 Nouvelle Vague/New Wave (Godard, Jean-Luc; France-Switzerland) - 656 
1990 Riff-Raff (Loach, Ken; UK) - 641 
1990 To Sleep with Anger (Burnett, Charles; US) - 590 
1990 Wild at Heart (Lynch, David; US) - 754 
1991 Barton Fink (Coen, Joel; US) - 542 
1991 Beauty and the Beast (Wise, Kirk/Gary Trousdale; US) - 717 
1991 Brighter Summer Day, A (Yang, Edward; Taiwan) - 462 
1991 Double Life of Veronique, The (Kieslowski, Krszystof; France) - 381 
1991 Europa/Zentropa (von Trier, Lars; Denmark) - 591 
1991 JFK (Stone, Oliver; US) - 665 
1991 La Belle Noiseuse (Rivette, Jacques; France) - 664 
1991 Les Amants du Pont-Neuf/Lovers on the Bridge (Carax, Leos; France) - 807 
1991 Raise the Red Lantern (Zhang Yimou; Hong Kong) - 450 
1991 Reservoir Dogs (Tarantino, Quentin; US) - 400 
1991 Silence of the Lambs, The (Demme, Jonathan; US) - 592 
1991 Thelma & Louise (Scott, Ridley; US) - 584 
1991 Un Coeur en Hiver/A Heart in Winter (Sautet, Claude; France) - 884 
1991 Van Gogh (Pialat, Maurice; France) - 573 
1992 And Life Goes On…/Life and Nothing More… (Kiarostami, Abbas; Iran) - 480 
1992 Bad Lieutenant (Ferrara, Abel; US) - 848 
1992 Husbands and Wives (Allen, Woody; US) - 966 
1992 Leolo (Lauzon, Jean-Claude; Canada) - 489 
1992 Lessons in Darkness/Lektionen in Finsternis (Herzog, Werner; France-Germany) - 820 
1992 Long Day Closes, The (Davies, Terence; UK) - 913 
1992 Orlando (Potter, Sally; UK-Russia-France-Italy-Netherlands) - 647 
1992 Player, The (Altman, Robert; US) - 800 
1992 Story of Qiu Ju, The (Zhang Yimou; Hong Kong-China) - 892 
1992 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (Lynch, David; US) - 865 
1992 Unforgiven (Eastwood, Clint; US) - 236 
1993 Abraham Valley/Vale Abraao (de Oliveira, Manoel; Portugal-France-Switzerland) - 909 
1993 Age of Innocence, The (Scorsese, Martin; US) - 469 
1993 Dazed and Confused (Linklater, Richard; US) - 810 
1993 Farewell, My Concubine (Chen Kaige; Hong Kong-China) - 556 
1993 Groundhog Day (Ramis, Harold; US) - 502 
1993 Jurassic Park (Spielberg, Steven; US) - 904 
1993 Naked (Leigh, Mike; UK) - 524 
1993 Piano, The (Campion, Jane; Australia) - 445 
1993 Puppetmaster, The/Hsimeng Rensheng (Hou Hsiao-Hsien; Taiwan) - 504 
1993 Remains of the Day, The (Ivory, James; UK-US) - 850 
1993 Schindler's List (Spielberg, Steven; US) - 191 
1993 Short Cuts (Altman, Robert; US) - 873 
1993 Sonatine (Kitano, Takeshi; Japan) - 831 
1993 Three Colours: Blue (Kieslowski, Krszystof; France-Poland-Switzerland) - 394 
1993 Three Colours: White (Kieslowski, Krszystof; France-Poland) - 734 
1994 Ashes of Time/Dung che sai duk (Wong Kar-Wai; Hong Kong-Taiwan) - 864 
1994 Burnt by the Sun (Mikhalkov, Nikita; Russia-France) - 990 
1994 Chungking Express (Wong Kar-Wai; Hong Kong) - 431 
1994 Forrest Gump (Zemeckis, Robert; US) - 561 
1994 Natural Born Killers (Stone, Oliver; US) - 846 
1994 Pulp Fiction (Tarantino, Quentin; US) - 140 
1994 Satantango (Tarr, Bela; Hungary-Germany-Switzerland) - 356 
1994 Shawshank Redemption, The (Darabont, Frank; US) - 538 
1994 Three Colours: Red (Kieslowski, Krszystof; France-Switzerland-Poland) - 412 
1994 Through the Olive Trees/Under the Olive Trees (Kiarostami, Abbas; Iran) - 408 
1994 To Live/Huozhe (Zhang Yimou; Hong Kong) - 941 
1995 Casino (Scorsese, Martin; US) - 622 
1995 Dead Man (Jarmusch, Jim; US-Germany) - 475 
1995 Fargo (Coen, Joel; US) - 349 
1995 Lone Star (Sayles, John; US) - 883 
1995 Moment of Innocence, A/Noon va Goldoon (Makhmalbaf, Mohsen; Iran-France-Switzerland) - 541 
1995 Safe (Haynes, Todd; US) - 693 
1995 Se7en (Fincher, David; US) - 872 
1995 Secrets & Lies (Leigh, Mike; UK) - 670 
1995 Trainspotting (Boyle, Danny; UK) - 768 
1995 Underground (Kusturica, Emir; France-Germany-Hungary) - 436 
1995 Usual Suspects, The (Singer, Bryan; US) - 730 
1996 Breaking the Waves (von Trier, Lars; Denmark-Sweden-France-Netherlands-Norway) - 348 
1996 Crash [1996] (Cronenberg, David; Canada) - 779 
1996 Lost Highway (Lynch, David; US) - 764 
1997 Boogie Nights (Anderson, Paul Thomas; US) - 956 
1997 Hana-Bi/Fireworks (Kitano, Takeshi; Japan) - 655 
1997 Happy Together/Chunguang Zhaxie (Wong Kar-Wai; Hong Kong) - 718 
1997 L.A. Confidential (Hanson, Curtis; US) - 726 
1997 Sweet Hereafter, The (Egoyan, Atom; Canada) - 684 
1997 Taste of Cherry, A/Ta'ame-gilas (Kiarostami, Abbas; Iran) - 423 
1998 Beau Travail (Denis, Claire; France) - 912 
1998 Eternity and a Day (Angelopoulos, Theo; Greece-France-Italy-Germany) - 798 
1998 Flowers of Shanghai (Hou Hsiao-Hsien; Taiwan) - 776 
1998 Happiness (Solondz, Todd; US) - 878 
1998 Saving Private Ryan (Spielberg, Steven; US) - 965 
1998 Thin Red Line, The (Malick, Terrence; US) - 758 
1999 All About My Mother (Almodovar, Pedro; Spain-France) - 586 
1999 Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick, Stanley; US-UK) - 601 
1999 Fight Club (Fincher, David; US-Germany) - 809 
1999 Matrix, The (Wachowski, Andy & Larry Wachowski; US-Australia) - 791 
1999 Topsy-Turvy (Leigh, Mike; UK-US) - 819 
1999 Wind Will Carry Us, The (Kiarostami, Abbas; France-Iran) - 643 
2000 In the Mood for Love/Huayang Nianhua (Wong Kar-Wai; Hong Kong-France) - 518 
2000 Yi Yi/A One and a Two... (Yang, Edward; Taiwan-Japan) - 552 
2001 A.I. Artificial Intelligence (Spielberg, Steven; US) - 895 
2001 Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (Jackson, Peter; US-New Zealand) - 689 
2001 Mulholland Dr. (Lynch, David; France-US) - 589 
2001 Royal Tenenbaums, The (Anderson, Wes; US) - 997 
2001 Spirited Away (Miyazaki, Hayao; Japan) - 663 
2002 Russian Ark (Sokurov, Aleksandr; Russia-Germany-Japan-Canada-Finland-Denmark) – 949

Tālāk sarakstu varētu veidot mēs kopā. Ir idejas par 2002 -2009 gadu labāko VIENU filmu?

Priecāšos, ja atrakstīsit.

Un tagad – solītais pārsteigums.

Pagājušajā nedēļā  interneta vidē tika publicēts DESMIT gadus MTV un visur citur televīzijās aizliegts muzikas videoklips ak, nu kāda latino puisēna salkana la-la-la dziesmiņa par skumjajām acīm, kas nekad nemelo

Jūs neticēsit, bet cenzūras iemesls – morāli apsvērumi, jo klipa video satur pārāk atklātas seksuāla rakstura ainas.

Un šo "nevainīgo saldo krējumu" Warner uzskatīja par morāli graujošu? Pēc Rammstein ) plates Liebe ist fur alle da, dziesmiņas Pussy video un peņiem čemodānā komplektā ar CD tas jau izklausās pēc rietumu puritāniskās liekulības visvisvispārākajā pakāpē. Toties tagad Ramstein svaigo CD dažās īpaši klīrīgās Eiropas lielvalstīs (Vācijā, Anglijā, Itālijā) aizliegts pārdot veikalos. Latvijā - ne (toties te nevar to čemodāniņu nopirkt).

Bet DESMIT GADUS VECAIS E.I. klipsis vienalga ir mīļš un smieklīgs. Enjoy:

Lai jums jautra diena!


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