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Rīgā +5 °C
Piektdiena, 18. oktobris
Rolanda, Rolands, Ronalds, Erlends

Rimšēvičs nedomā par citiem darba piedāvājumiem, jo jāpieskata lats

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Tai gan būtu jābūt mūsu visu interesei lai par bankas prezidentu nestrādā cilvēks, bez elementāras saprašanas par ekonomiku
Mācies sevi un savu darbu cienīt, sāksi citus cienīt.
humors un satiira
Panikas ceelaajai Abijai: gaudas par devalvaaciju ir tikpat vecas kaa lats un liidz sim neviena gaudotaaju devalvatoru porognoze nav piepildiijusies, taapat kaa sabrukuma scenaariji.
humors un satiira
Un tev nav tiiri personiska interese, lai tev kabataa buutu normaala konverteejma valuuta, nevis devalveeti papiiriisi a la Zimbabves dolaars? Skaitiit naudu svesaa kabataa neetiski, mazaak raksti njirdziigus komentus un vairaak straadaa. Vai arii taa caur asaraam njirgdams muuzu nodziivosi.
Traapiits desmitniekaa,- pilniigi neattaisnojami, ka "pēc visa šā gada laikā notikušā, savus krēslus ir saglabājuši tādi rimševiči, krūmanes, bičevski,utt.".
Rimševicam lata pieskatīšanā gluži personiska interese, jo nav daudz tādu idiotu, kuri pirms nekustamo īpašumu kraha pirka 200 kvm dzīvokli par vairāk kā miljonu eiro :D (kas protams tikai apstiprina LB vadītāja dižo kompetenci ekonomikas jautājumos :D :D :D )
Es brīnos, kā pēc visa šā gada laikā notikušā, savus krēslus ir saglabājuši tādi rimševiči, krūmanes, bičevski,utt., vai šajā valstī tiešām visa prokuratūra iz nopirkta?
Rimsevics pat nestradaa, vins tikai pieskata!
Gan jau Rimševiču tauta pakārs aiz vienas vietas....par mahinācijām VALSTS NOSLĒPUMU aizsegā ar PAREX, par komercbanku "UZRAUDZĪBU" atļaujot tām mainīt "spēles noteikumus", par apzinātu dezinformāciju publiskajā telpā slavinot un pamatojot Latvijas Bankas nopelnus, PAR LĪDZATBILDĪBU VALSTS TAUTSAIMNIECĪBAS NOVEŠANAI LĪDZ BANKROTAM, par ņirgāšanos attiecībā pret nabagiem, bezdarba darbarūķiem piešķirot sev nepelnītu - nesamērigi lielu atalgojumu, ....
"trauceet straadaat" var tikai cilveku, kurs straadaa.. "pieskatit latu" nav nekaads darbs --- tas ir tikai iegansts sanemt pasa noteikto lielo algu..
Dziļi latviski ir sakost roku, kura tevi baro. Tāpēc Rimševičam jāsamazina alga un vispār jātraucē strādāt.
viens stabilitaates garants Latvijaa jau ir bijis tagad uzradies otrs :) tik pat veiksmiigs :):):)
However, monetary authorities should try to be prepared for the challenges that would come if the crisis situations described above eventuate. The main task of the central banks in CEECCs that do not have a hard peg is to adopt a monetary policy strategy which serves as an appropriate nominal anchor. Furthermore, central bankers of Western member states can (at best) try to convince their colleagues in the candidate countries not to support in public the popular, however dangerous, route of an ASAP-accession-strategy,58 at least not as long as they are not sure whether the adaptation or transition costs can be politically mastered. (In principal, one may hope that the above considerations also shape decision-making by the accession countries (rational-expectations hypothesis), so that these countries deliberately renounce pressing for an early admission to the EMU. However, there are also political pressures (national prestige etc) which have to be considered, and these play a role and can force a government into the dangerous goal of a too early EMU entrance.) Monetary authorities could also (if they choose) try to make the dangers of a ‘hasty’ accession transparent and warn other political authorities and the public about the costs of a big bang enlargement strategy. This, however, will only be useful if the main reason for following or accepting such a strategy is a lack of knowledge or information.
This can be derived as a main lesson from the Asian crisis (Baig and Goldfajn 1999; Levy-Yeyati and Ubide 2000). A pegged exchange rate regime, although it may be a successful strategy for controlling inflation, may increase financial instability.17 This danger arises in particular in emerging markets with a weak banking and financial system.18 An exchange rate peg that has been stable for a rather longperiod of time might lead market participants to underestimate, or even totally neglect, the exchange rate risk. Excessive capital inflows are the consequence.19 This process is spurred on if the countries sterilise the massive capital inflows20 thereby raising domestic interest rates far above the international rates. Thus, a large amount of foreign-denominated debt is accumulated, which makes a country vulnerable to sudden shifts in market sentiment.21 Furthermore, if bank supervision does not meet international standards, as is often the case in emerging markets, the likelihood of a financial crisis rises significantly22. The capital inflows typically lead to a lending boom and a financial or real estate bubble. If these bubbles burst, banks are left with a huge number of bad loans and exploding foreign debt if the financial crisis is accompanied by a successful speculative attack. The severe deterioration of banks’ and domestic firms’ balance sheets not only jeopardises the financial stability but also hampers economic growth23. This recurrent pattern of emerging market crises led the IMF and most observers to advise countries to take care of a sound and stable financial system before fully opening the capital account. The tasks of greatest importance are considered to be: strengthening domestic banking and financial systems; providing better information and policy transparency; strengthening corporate finance, including bankruptcy laws and their implementation; taking precautions against potential capital flow reversals; and last but not least, building packages of sound macroeconomic and exchange rate policies.24 Against this background, the adoption and implementation of the acquis communautaire is very important for a successful transition to Euroland for the accession countries. Šito raksta ekonomists Wagner 2001.gadā analizējot vēl neiestājušos jauno ES locekļu monetāro politiku.
Visur lielākās nepatikšanas ir valstīs, kurās nacionālā valūta cieti piesaistīta eiro. Ja būtu turējušies pie valūtu groza, tad lats būtu daudz elastīgāks, un tā vērtība atbilstu, ja ne Latvijas, tad pausaules ekonomikai kopumā, t.i., krītošajam dorāra un mārciņas kursam.


Pieprasītā sadaļa var saturēt erotiskus materiālus, kuru apskatīšana atļauta tikai pilngadību sasniegušām personām.

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