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Otrdiena, 15. oktobris
Hedviga, Helvijs, Eda

Bez vadītāja palikušais SVF nebūšot rīcībnespējīgs

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... Bus, bus SVF ricibspejiga, jo Lipskis stradas ka atvietotajs un ta n naciskai BEZABRENEI maz iespejas uzlabot attiecigos ciparus ...
Pieļauju, ka Dienas darbinieki komentārus nelasa un kritiku attiecībā uz valodas lietošanu neuzklausa. Un tomēr. "Nebūs rīcībnespējīga" var pateikt arī "būs rīcībspējīga" - skaidrāk, saprotamāk un vienkāršāk. Nu kāpēc tik ļoti nemīlam savu valodu un galu galā arī sava produkta patērētāju?
smejies!? domā ka prātu pārdzērušie britu tūristi te neuzmācās 'viesmīlēm un istabenēm, bet kautkā nav dzirdēts, ka kāds būtu aizturēts!
Interesanti, kā pavērstos notikumu gaita, ja šis Strosa-Kāna kgs būtu līdzīgi izrīkojies kādā no Rīgas viesnīcām Latvijas apmeklējuma laikā - vai mūsu policija noticētu viesnīcas darbiniecei un tikpat adekvāti rīkotos, kā amerikāņi/
They said he ambushed the maid while in the buff at his $1,300-a-night suite. "He grabbed the victim's chest without consent, attempted to remove her pantyhose and forcibly grabbed the victim's vaginal area," the criminal complaint said. "His penis made contact with the victim's mouth twice through the use of force
But sex scandals fade and leaders can always be replaced. The IMF’s current crisis isn’t just over how to recover from the disturbing fall of its chief. Shell-shocked employees filing into the IMF this morning knew the implications would extend further. Caroline Atkinson, director of external relations, put out a statement assuring that the IMF was “fully functioning and operational.” But one official who wasn’t authorized to speak on the record was more candid: “It’ll probably impact everything we do.” With such power over the international economy, the most valuable currency of the IMF has long been its credibility. Critics have argued that the way the organization is run, and its power over global exchange rates, gives some countries immense influence. Conditions imposed on loans to developing countries often push economic policies like deregulation and privatization that those countries may not have chosen themselves. Panic at the IMF won’t help quiet its critics. “It’s now underlined that it looks like they’re in disarray to get a replacement,” says Desmond Lachman, a former IMF deputy director. “That’s a problem. But its longer-term problem is the policies [Strauss-Kahn] pushed [in Greece and Ireland] that don’t seem to be working.”
Viena no tām iepriekšējām meitenēm saucas "Latvija" :D !
kādas francūzietes advokāts paziņojis, ka viņa kliente apsverot iespēju iesniegt tiesā prasību pret D. Strosu-Kānu ----------------------------- Drīz jau rinda sastāsies. Jāsāk numuriņus dalīt!
Šāda tipa cilvēki var nopirkt visu to draņķa viesnīcu ar visām tur esošajām sievietēm. Tas ir ieģāšanas manevrs.
Klibs Aita
Iztulkošu vientiešiem: "Par laimi Ņujorkas pilsētas policijas departaments nav tāds, ko var viegli ietekmēt ar ārzemju akcentiem, lielu naudu vai amatu nosaukumiem. Ar dažiem izņēmumiem Ņujorkas policija ar pārsteidzošu nosvērtību sauc pie atbildības gan varenos, gan mazos ļaudis. Par lietišķo attieksmi lielajā pilsētā pret noziegumiem liecina kāda New York Post citētā piezīme, ar izcelsmes vietu Ņujorkas pilsētas policijas departementā: Citāta avots teicis, ka "policistus nebaida nedz franču muļķis, nedz viņa advokāts".
The hotel housekeeper says that she entered hotel room 2806 at about noon to clean the room. According to her account, Strauss-Kahn emerged nude from the bathroom and grabbed at her. Breaking away momentarily, the housekeeper claims she tried to escape into a hallway where she was cornered, pushed into a bedroom, and sexually assaulted. Strauss-Kahn wasted no time or expense in assembling a stellar legal team, including Ben Brafman, who has represented such luminaries as Sean "Puffy" Combs, Jay-Z, Plaxico Burress, and the late Michael Jackson. Money should be no problem for the IMF chief, but he won't be able to tap the trillion dollar IMF fund he administers to countries struggling with debt. Meanwhile, it may be difficult for the hotel housekeeper to get justice, as it is for many victims of sexual assault. There were no cameras or eyewitnesses in the suite of rooms, but the possibility of a plea change could be affected by any evidence obtained in medical examinations of the alleged victim and Strauss-Kahn. Strauss-Kahn, after consulting with his attorneys, consented to a medical examination of his body which sought to determine whether there were telltale scratches, bruises, or trace DNA. Fortunately, the New York City Police Department is not the type of police department easily impressed by foreign accents, big money or official titles. With few exceptions, New York cops bring down the mighty and the small with a wonderful sense of equanimity. Symptomatic of the businesslike big city attitude toward crime is a remark reported in the New York Post and sourced from the NYPD: "Cops are not thrilled by the French idiot or his attorney," the source was quoted.
Istabenei ir saraksts, kuri numuri ir tukši. Kāns bija maksājis par vienu nakti un otrās dienas pusdienlaikā atradās numurā nelikumīgi.
Klibs Aita
Iesperties numuriņā pie Krāna vari arī tu. Bet DNS pēdas uz ķermeņa, aiz nagiem utt. būs tikai tam, kam ir bijusi cieša saskarsme ar Krānu.
Jūs vispār lasāt, ko esat uzrakstījuši? Virsrakstā- būšot rīcībnespējīgs, tekstā- nedomā, ka būs rīcībnespējīgs!
Klibs Aita
Tā nav neviena cita problēma, ka SVF patiesībā izrādās milzis uz māla kājām, un ka abreviatūrā SVF S nozīmē Stoss. Neticu pekstiņiem par neaizvietojamiem vadītājiem. Visi cilvēki ir mirstīgi.


Pieprasītā sadaļa var saturēt erotiskus materiālus, kuru apskatīšana atļauta tikai pilngadību sasniegušām personām.

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