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Daļēji apmācies
Pirmdiena, 14. oktobris
Minna, Vilhelmīne

Tuaregu nemiernieki ieņēmuši vēl divas Mali ziemeļu pilsētas

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Excellent post and excellent video, I know extcaly what you're talking about.I agree with putting away the images of your favourites before starting. I like to look at stuff for inspiration before hand, cos it helps remind me why I want to do this, and I feel like I'm joining in with all of them, and so helps make the work fun.But then I think it is best to just concentrate on your own work, and let it be your own work. Otherwise it'll more likely be a half baked copy of your favourite artists.One thing I have trouble with, is the stony apathy that often comes from publishers after sending out my work, but a mantra I've often used in the past which has helped me through a few things, is Wait until you can't wait any longer. Then wait a bit more, then a few weeks after you should've given up, but didn't, something will turn up'Which I suppose translates as keep going, keep trying, be patient.Just keep doing lots of work. There are studies that if you practise something for 10,000 hours you will be a master of it, so I sometimes find it helpful to keep a bit of an eye on how much my work has improved year on year, this can help me feel positive about it.And another thing I've started doing recently, which has paid off very well, is saying to myself what would a confident person do in this situation?'I then do the thing, pretending to be a confident person, and by the end of it, I'm just being confident.It's like I catch the unconfident bit of me off guard and sidestep it.Anyway, those are my tips and tricks, I faffed around and didn't do much work, and hardly ever sent it off, and procrastinated, and couldn't find the muse' for years and years and years.But I'm a bit better at it all now, due somewhat to using these strategies.Sorry about the long post, I found I had quite a lot to share about this.But I hope it all helps in the mix Jon
When teachers are focred to take second and third jobs just to support themselves (and yes, many are) there is a problem. They are not whining about their pay because they want a reward, they are whining about their pay because they WANT to teach, but can't support themselves doing it. 8+ hours at school, plus several more at home, grading, tutoring, planning. They can barely afford the resources they need to DO their job, let alone to support their family.
estoy triste y si te atcfea emocinalmente ya que un evento donde se funde la ideologia de pueblos en resistencia contra tanta opresion del gobierno autoritario, te lo quieran desaparecer, si nosotros somos el espiritu guerrero que combate contra toda clase de injusticia somos guerreros de dios donde la razon se adimenciona no en sentidos si no en la lucha interna para salir a flote contra nuestros complejos y defectos que surgen en conciliar nuestra realidad donde te ensef1an aparentar tus deceos dormidos por tanta apatia y envidia solo te quieren enfermar para desaparecer o infectar y destruir con tanta ignoracian entre nosotros, no ya basta de tanta division hay que sumarnos y luchar todos juntos ya que la lucha psicologica entra por mnsjs subliminales y se estructura el sistema con tanta avaricia y sin ningun control
Cilvēkēdāji,.....tagad bultas un lokus nomainījušai,ar kalašņikoviem, tik sāk riktīgi slaktēt


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