Laika ziņas
Daļēji saulains
Rīgā +6 °C
Daļēji saulains
Svētdiena, 13. oktobris
Irma, Mirga

Riteņbraucējs Preimanis izcīna 20.vietu prestižās MTB sascensībās Ķīnā

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0/1000 zīmes
Sorry to hear you did not get in. My wife and bike store owner were wanting to get in and sort of train totgeher. I am slower but could get in a lot of fun miles thought. He got in, she did not. We have friends, hubby and wife that put in, she got in, he did not. I think this was very poorly handled. Why could you not put your name in with one or two others and all or none were in. What if you and a travel, training friend wanted to do this event, one got in the other did not. Seems like there could be some way to handle this rather than cater to all the big names, building the race and then dumping all the average people that have actually made the ride over the years. Sorry to vent on your site but was wondering if you have any other stories such as this or know of a site where I can visit to hear if other complaints or we are the only ones.
BBB saka:Piekritu objektivais!!!Tad jau Trimmerim arii jutlaaaj speeleet finalaa,tikai jaadiskvalificee virsligas vaartsargs,ja vienaadi tad varbuut visiem vienadi??
Thanky Thanky for all this good ifnormtiaon!
Thinking like that shows an exrpet at work
Aleksandrs Briedis
Atkal viens Uzvaras parka puika noskan pasaulē!Priecājamies!


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