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Viegls lietus
Pirmdiena, 30. decembris
Daniela, Dāniels, Dāvids, Dāvis

Dzeja no cikla Amstel Dam

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Hey JF, We built this project beaucse it seemed like a good idea. This series is a collaborative social media project that serves as a platform for several parties to come together and create something interesting. From Benchmark's perspective, aside from simply getting the Benchmark name out, there are plenty of reasons we are doing this As an equipment manufacturer, its important that we actually use the gear and methods within the settings it is built for. This project tosses Benchmark's people and products in the trenches to work together alongside some truly exceptional collaborators. In the seminal days of music production, studio engineers and producers were also inventors, equipment designers, nuclear physicists, etc. They understood everything from biasing cathodes to counterpoint melodies. Their legacy is a cocktail of ingenuity and aptitude that birthed both modern popular music and modern recording studio infrastructure. They were pretty incredible, so it feels right to propagate their legacy. Regarding the one-session constraint, it was implemented to keep the project simple, and it also happens to be one of my favorite aspects of first generation record-production.All the best,Elias
Hey Joel,Thanks for the questions I'd be happy to ealpxin .I love talking about this stuff!But first, let me say that the goal of this production isn't to demonstrate the full potential of the equipment, etc. The goals, in the order of priority, are:1. Make a fun and inspiring video about these recording sessions2. Demonstrate the brainstorming/decision-making process used to achieve a desired musical/sonic outcome3. Produce an effective track based on a deliberate idea of what that means for the given track (e.g., danceable or natural or ethereal or )4. Discuss the outcome with anyone and everyone, such as yourselfThe goal for this particular session was to create a dance track. Consequently, it may not sit well with certain people or settings. Nonetheless, we had a goal in mind, and I did my best to achieve it.Back to your production questions the compression on the drums is somewhat unrelated to the idea of drummer's point of view . The drummer's point of view is more related to the depth of field. That is, the mix was made to feel like you were sitting in the drummer's seat on the stage. The depth of field is created by the varying proximity of the instruments, from close to far: Bass, Percussion, Synth, Gtr, Horns, Vocals. The compression on the kick drum is a 3-band compressor. It's purpose is to shape the tone of the kick drum, specifically for the kick to have shake-your-booty' impact while still sitting nicely in the mix. If instead I just lowered everything else and turned-up the drums, the balance of the mix would be thrown off. Plus, the tone of the kick is exactly what was in my head for this track so I went for it!But this use of compression is somewhat different then reducing the dynamics of the performance (i.e., what is used to boost volume). Specifically, my use of compression on the kick is affecting the micro-dynamics that is, the dynamics of the envelope of the kick drum (the attack, decay, release, sustain). So, please keep in mind that this production style was used for this track for aesthetic (subjective) purposes not to compete with FM radio. I'd hope that all of my productions would transcend genre and be enjoyable for EVERYBODY perhaps I came up short this time. Please sign up for future videos the next video features a delicate yet lush track that is mostly acoustic and minimally processed (and not built for the dance floor!).Best,-e
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Literārās akadēmijas produkts? Patapinātu domu savārstījums kombinēts ar paša bezdomas plūsmu, kas rezultējusies kārtējā murgojumā. Kuduma, Rūce, Lūsis…
braucot vilcienā ar ātrumu 180 km/h neskaitāmas dzīves reālijas saplūst vienā mokošā jautājumā - vai es pārvietojos nekustoties?/A.L/ un slimnieks miegā, ieķēries palagā, lai paliktu uz vietas, it kā guļamvagonā, kas naktī traucas cauri biezoknim,../Arvis Viguls 5:00/ mīļie draugi, kur ir trešais, patiesais avots avots?
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lasītājs kā tu, bet arī draugs
pasaki, lūdzu, kas ir patapināts, kas ir savārstīts un ko uzskati par pretēju šim. bail domāt, ko lasi. nekas nav perfekts, bet šis ir pabeigts (autora izteiciens, starp citu). bye
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