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Sestdiena, 19. oktobris
Drosma, Drosmis, Elīna

Russia Heading toward 'Semi-Collapse'

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pilnīgi piekrītu. protams žēl tos cilvēkus Krievijā. galu galā tie būs "nacisti" un "amerikosi" kas tiks vainoti sabrukumā
viva la putin=)
Let us all hope no sudden collapse of the Soviet Russia(sorry,KGB commies still in charge) happens.The current Kremlin scumbags are mad enough to nuke their own people.
ethnical Russian
Russia ir a dead state, it was clear from the beginning. Neither Yeltzin, nor Putin, nor anyone else can save Russia.
Maybe you should let those people speak for themselves and the Russian voters decide for themselves, instead of producing empty propaganda statements? Yeah Latvia's regime isnt much more liberal, pro-Putinists are shot in their staircases, Latvia fights a war in its own territory and supports anti-Russian separatist regimes due to which Russia already has lost some territories :D Even in propaganda there is a limit, beyond which you just make a fool out of yourself. Your "political influence" based on lies and threats will hit you back in the long run, just like it hit back the USSR. Time to learn more civilised methods of gaining influence! There was no "nazism" in the Baltics. There was Nazi occupation, but it also was in some parts of Russia Russia (a million soviet citizens or more served in German forces, from army to police, a fact known for any historical enthusiast except for the ignorant neo-soviets) and most of continental Europe, why dont you talk about Russian nazism or European nazism? Serfdom was abolished in 1861, which is a well known historical fact. Revolution replaced serfdom with another form of serfdom - the soviet kolkhozs (a kolkhoznik in Stalin's era could not have a passport and migrate within his own country, just like the serfs could not leave their feudal) and even slave labor, the gulag. Mikhail Lomonosov was not a noble and yet became a great scientist. The Russian commons were famous craftsmen (the weapon makers of Tula and the Urals are just one example), travelers (Afanasiy Nikitin and his travel across three seas) etc. and nobody has ever denied their courage, talents and other good qualities. A commoner had little and yet realistic chances to make a military career and even become an officer. The soviets received "education" based on a lying ideology, with no knowledge in history, rights, society, economics, anything except what was needed for their work. This lying ideology taught them to hate other nations and oppress them. The USSR deported the Baltic people, the Krimea Tartars and the Chechens. It oppressed "younger brothers" in Czechoslovcakia and Hungary and before that Lenin carried out a major social engineering project in Russia, to sovietize it. by the way, in the last years of the USSR the communists would openly advocate Russian chauvinism (which was never done openly in the USSR), a policy never really abandoned by Yeltsin and continued by Putin. It helped local communists to launch wars in Kuba, Vietnam, Angola, Nicaragua and many other places. It built the international terrorism as we know it. The USSR was behind the anti-Israeli coalition and sometimes even deployed forces against Israel (soviet air defence units in Egypt). And the "liberated Jews" fled to Israel or other western countries. The Russian empire was not destroyed in revolution, it just changed the flag.
Legal resident
Paul, keep these articles coming!
Most of these, who use democracy rethoric, actaly don't want to represent russian people whatsoever. Regime in Latvia isn't much liberal than in Russia. And Putin was, who pulled Russia out of total collapse. He alsou restored political influence of Russia. If I would be a russian, I would prefare Putin ower nice and eccentric Yeltsin. Articles in Latvia about Russias 'Semi-Collapse' are as much nonsense as russian articles about baltic nazism. Latvia is heading toward economical semi- collapse, and Russia is heading toward nazism and wide scale racial attacks. Soviet revolution destroyed not only many churches, but alsou destoyed many manors, and finaly destroyed serfdom and feudalism. Only after russian revolution most of russian commoners could attain an education or could achieve some social position. So they become new best Russian people. Before revolution, education and achievments was only for nobles. Revolution freed russian jews, and produced jewish inteligentsia, which in Imperial Russia's "pale of setlement" could not appear. Bay the whay, Putins "United Russia" are pro church and glorificates Russian Empire, which was destroyed in soviet revolution.
History tends to repeat istself. If a quarter century ago the Soviet Politbureau had extended the largest possible rights of autonomy to the regions, it would have prevented the collapse of the empire and we would live in the USSR until today.
A quote from Russias media: "... На днях придворный "журналист" М.Леонтьев решил позлорадствовать в своей, полной дебилизма и лжи статейке, назвав кризис в Балтии «логическим финалом борьбы за независимость». В то время, когда в России кризис похуже, закрываются металургические заводы, промышленность вступает в стадию банкротства, приблатненный Леонтьев использует старый трюк и отводит внимание на «нацистскую» Балтию. Специально для "Ингрия.Инфо", "Агент Запада и почетный ингерманландец" Ян Пипецкис Рига, 21 января 2009 года.
The standard Soviet argument: only the current regime can represent the Russians and anyone criticizing the regime is a russophobe. Interesting thought. What if the critic himself is a Russian and lives in Russia, unlike some "Russian hurrah patriots" residing in Latvia, is he a Russophobe too? Another standard Soviet argument: escape from inconvenient themes by changing them. Dont worry about us, we will be fine. Worry about yourselves! P.S. And what about the Soviet regime that destroyed Russian churches, sent many best Russian people to gulags or the grave? Was this regime Russophobic or not? Is current Putin's regime, under which free thinking Russians in Russia are shot in their staircases, russophobic or not?
Nyedozdjetes! :)
Laimonis Pekstiņš
Russia has, is and always will be in the middle of a collapse. Its Russia!!! So these are no news.
Europe is heading towards a collapse, too, Paul...
Russia ir pretty much beyond saving. With an ignorant goverment like that, there will be no progress probably. Hopefully it won't affect countries surrounding Russia, when they'll be desperate for resources.
How about economic semi-collapse of Latvia and Estonia?


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