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Viegls lietus
Rīgā +9 °C
Viegls lietus
Pirmdiena, 14. oktobris
Minna, Vilhelmīne

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How could any of this be better settad? It couldn't.
Rosalind,Currently we do not have any information on the escfetivenefs of driedpowdered SSG. However, based on basic science, dried powdered SSG has ahigh chance of being less effective as drying do cause the loss of somegroups of compounds. If the drying process involves heating, the loss ofcompounds is typically higher. (Leaves that had underwent oven heating orsun drying can be identified by the browning of the leaves. The driedleaves / powder is not green in color.) If you wish to order fresh sabahsnake grass, we do send by courier service over to UK.You mentioned that your husband is losing weight rapidly. This is a signthat the cancer is fast growing, which means that he is not responding wellto the current chemotherapy drugs and any additional supplement (if any)that he is currently taking.In addition, you mentioned that his red blood cells count is lowering at analarming rate. This is a side effect of most chemotherapy drug(non-targeted chemo drug), as one major group of chemo drug targetsdividing cells. The reason for using drugs that targets dividing cells isdue to the rapid dividing nature of cancer cells. However, such chemo drugsalso affects the function of the bone marrow, greatly reducing its abilityto produce both red blood cells and white blood cells.There is 2 major direction in helping him. The first will be the search forwestern medical drug or alternative medicine or traditional herbs thatworks for him. Currently, there is no medicine or herbs that works foreveryone. The taking of any medicine or herbs is a test and carries boththe risks of side effects (if any) and the lost of time against the disease(if it is not effective). The available guideline for some drugs will theefficacy based on the clinical trials, typically on certain patient types.The second direction will be to provide quality of life. Prognosis ofadvance stage cancer is poor. Flying to Singapore or Malaysia involves achange in the weather (typically hot 30 degree C temperature, and 80-90+%humidity with lots of rain) a long journey in the plane, and foreignenvironment with perhaps no friends. In additional, as you mentioned, yourhusband will no longer be able to obtain the chemotherapy once he is out ofUK. The advantage will be the accessibility to traditional herbs which thewestern medicine has not commercialised, but the efficacy is currentlyunknown due to the lack of clinical trials and historical studies (Onlyaccounts from some patients are available).Kim
Narcistiskas personības pārsvarā izmanto citus, lai apmierinātu savas vajadzības. Diemžēl kd redaktore nespēj to kontrolēt un šis nav ne pirmais, ne pēdējais rakstiņš, kas manipulē ar īstenību, lai apmierātu savus kompleksus...
pasaulē visjaunākie mākslas virzieni ir arī Biržā -- Gutovs un citi -- Birža ir valsts iestāde, bija redzami arī Vācijas laikmetīgās mākslas balvas ars viva izstādē Rīgas mākslas telpā --- izstāžu zāle zem Rātslaukuma. Jaunie virzieni ir Arsenāla laikmetīgās glezniecības projektos un daudzās personālizstādes Arsenāla radošajā darbnīcā un Rīgas mākslas telpā -- valsts un pašvaldības institūcijās. Ar tendenciozu attieksmi autors sakropļo mediju telpu ---- un tas notiek par nodokļu maksātāju naudu, kuru saņem KD!


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