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Viegls lietus
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Viegls lietus
Otrdiena, 28. janvāris
Spodris, Kārlis

Kur vilku vilks

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Hey you!Yes you only.You dont need to post so many posts per day. Do you know how difficult it is to flolow your blog. By the time I finish with one, there! there is another one..! have you ever wondered how religiously we all come and read your blog and comment too.. naansense..Just because I wrote this, YOU need not stop. Its just to say, we will still keep reading wht YOU post!
Brilliant satire It is Orwellian that the Islamo-fascists who oppsoe free speech can win in this case with threats and intimidation. Sure, there are limit's to free speech eg inciting violence, crying fire in a theatre etc but drawing a picture of a man is not incitement.It's often pointed out that Muslims demand that we accept their cultural norms when in their countries but then demand we also accept those norms when they are in OUR countries. There is not even any reciprocation; with a convert to Christianity facing death in Iran now, Kuwait about to ban the construction of new Churches, S'audi Arabia banning the Bible etc. Muslim religious leaders weekly insult Jews, Christians, Hindu's etc in sermans freely available to view (at Memri etc). That the so-called Western left supports this (banning of Mohammed images) really emphasises the, almost clinical sickness, many of them possess. They are truly self-haters who will stop at nothing until their own cultures are distroyed. Another thing that really bothers me is the MSM's adoption of the term The Prophet when referring to Mohammed. He's not my prophet, by Muslim's own accounts he's a pedophile, murdering, bandit anti-semite warlord. Why would I respect this man or his message? It's striking that at the same time the MSM ceases to refer to Jesus as Jesus Christ out of political correctness (because he's not everyone's Messiah) they should do the reverse in relation to Mohammed for the same reasons. The MSM also continiously accept Muslim's Taqiyya when they say Islam means peace when Salaam mean's peace in Arabic and Islam means Submission (Muslim's often accuse Westerners of not understanding Arabic nuances but since the root is the same in Hebrew I know that though they are the same root of SLM they are different words with different meanings). Our leaders policies of a combination of mass Muslim immigration, political correctness whereby the very culture that resulted in their emigration because of repression is allowed to continue in the West and multi-culturalism whereby they are not assimilated will result in an inevitable civil war. A irony of the current political climate is that if someone points this out they are accused of being either racist or worse still could be charged for inciting such a civil war with anti-Terror laws so stupid that the US State department refuses to use the word Islam or Muslim in relation to any terrorist act but instead uses those laws to limit free-speech.
Dāņu Jānis
Izlasīju visu rakstu drukātajā versijā, un sapratu, ka Vilkam tiešām diez ko neiet pie sirds tā ņemšanās ar politiku. Varbūt tāpēc, ka klapatu pārāk daudz un novērš no tās dziļurbšanas, varbūt tiešām viņam gribas visu izdarīt pēc labākās sirdsapziņas, bet politika taču ir kompromisu māksla. Varbūt tiešām jāiet tur, kur novērtēs viņu kā ekspertu?
No visiem ministriem liekas viss sakarigakais. Un pats jaukakais, ka atbalsta liguma lausan ar "radaru ieviesejiem".
Par tiem 25 miljoniem ko Latvijas valdība iegrūda privatizējamā bankā skaidrības nav. Kāpēc šie miljoni bija jāuzdāvina? Kuriem no valdošajiem tas izdevīgi? Kas par to atbildēs un vai atbildēs?
jūras mandarīns, ķīniešu jūrnieks
Ja hipotēku bankā sliktie kredīti ir Valdim Birkavam, Andrim Šķēlem, Ilmāram Rimsevicam un Valda Dombrovska kundzei ar tās družku un Valda juridisko padomnieci, tad kādēļ brīnies, ka aizdevējiem, SVF un EK, nācās nobloķāt 150 milj. eiro no jau saņemtā aizdevuma, lai hipotēku bankas pārdošanu tomēr iekustinātu? Hipotēku bankā jau norakts vairāk valsts naudas nekā "Air Baltic", turklāt gandrīz 3 reizes vairāk.
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Te sanāk, ka Vilks pēc 25 mil prēmijas ar algu ir apmierināts un paliks ministra darbā?!


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