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Rīgā +7 °C
Pirmdiena, 14. oktobris
Minna, Vilhelmīne

Nr. 1 Lietuvā

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I understand that you're Catholic, I am too! But, you're eqniuatg the Faith with a certain political ideology on the authority and purpose of a union of states, which you won't find the Catholic Church doing.His legislation is really the only feasible way to reverse Roe v Wade, and is the Constitutional way to do it. If the matter is removed from the federal courts, states can have laws banning abortion once again. I assume you want a straight ban on abortion at the federal level, but that will not work. Reason one being that it would be nearly impossible to get the congress to pass and reason two being you could pass it but the Supreme Court could strike it down right away, like they did in the original Roe v Wade case. If the issue was returned to the states, where it belongs, they could pass laws without fear of the Supreme Court (theoretically of course, the prochoicers will be fighting tooth and nail.)The disagreement you have with Ron Paul comes down to the role of the federal government. He does not believe that the federal government has free reign to do whatever it wants- and I don't think you believe that either. The problem is, when you make exceptions for your own causes, you grant it too much power, and it starts to wade into waters you never intended.My question still stands: Is murder federally illegal?The answer is, no. Proper governance does not always mean making a law against something. The Union was not formed to create and enforce all the laws for the states. I agree that abortion needs to be outlawed, but it needs to be done with the proper authority.
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